Monday, December 7, 2009

The Yoga Workouts Have Begun!

This past summer, as a result of a chance conversation, I ended up taking a men’s beginners yoga class.  No, I DID NOT wear tights….and I can hear some of you snickering, even though this is a digital on-line form of communication.

One of the fun moments in the class occurred toward the end when we were lying on our backs engaged in a special relaxation technique and one of the men began snoring very LOUDLY.  I’m still amazed that I was the only man in the room who audibly stifled a laugh.  Either the rest of the guys were A LOT more mature than I am—which is a fairly likely possibility—or they were all sleeping, too.  Come to think of it, that’s an even greater possibility.

After my participation in the class, the woman who provided me with the opportunity for the class asked me, “So, what did you think of it?”

I told her I enjoyed it and that it was a more strenuous workout than I would have imagined.  I have an “old school” perspective when it comes to working out, so yoga has never looked “active” enough or “vigorous” enough to me.  Once again, I was wrong.  Five minutes into the class, I was sweating profusely…and that was just while she was explaining the fee structure for on-going school membership.  I have to admit that the class—and it was a simple beginner’s session—put me through the paces.

The other thing that I said to the woman after I had taken the class was this, “I think it’s very possible that if I did a workout like this on a regular basis, my body would feel younger than it does.”  And I made a mental note to do just that—to start pursuing a regular yoga workout.

That was in early July and it’s now early December.  I felt it wouldn’t be wise to just impetuously rush into something, you know what I mean?

So, guess what?  I bought a yoga workout DVD and did a 30 minute yoga workout tonight.  I did.  Really!   And I must admit, I feel terrific.  My body feels stretched and strengthened and a little bit weary.  But it’s that good kind of “weariness” that you experience when you’ve worked the body well…or eaten a large pizza all by yourself.

The packaging for the DVD claims that the yoga workout will “clear the mind” and “restore energy levels”.  It claims that it will “increase concentration” and even “improve sleep”! 

Yes, I think I’m feeling it.  I’m feeling the benefits already—the clear mind, the energy, the concentration.  It’s happening.  Just think about it…I’m going to sleep better tonight!  Cool.

The DVD packaging also says: “Your blog posts will be sharper, more insightful, and wittier, with helpful spiritual content that will bring people greater challenge and joy and encouragement for life!”

….Okay,…well…hmm…I guess it may take a few more workouts before ALL the results really start to kick in.  We have to be patient with these things, you know.

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