Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Greater Rewards In Eternity

What if, when we died we discover that the impressive, fancy ministers who can talk so well and seem so smart and look like they have all the answers, don’t look so impressive in eternity?  What if those who aren’t very eloquent—those who were genuinely humble and admitted that they didn’t know very much—got the greater rewards from God? “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” –Jesus

Podcast for Jan. 31, 2012

Podcast with some thoughts on spending quiet time with God along with a little joking around.

                 Click here for audio!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baptism And Spiritual Victory

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4.  The follower of Jesus has the great privilege of participating, symbolically, with the Lord in His death and resurrection through the ordinance of baptism.  This act of obedience represents Spiritual Victory!  So we are very excited for the 10 people who are being baptized at our church today!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

We're Disciplined By Those Who Really Love Us

If someone attempts to bring discipline or correction to your life—especially if he/she does it humbly and graciously—don’t be offended or hurt, this is a very clear indication that the person really cares about you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

What's Coming Up This Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012? -- Audio Podcast

Click here for audio!


Who Are The Real Winners And Who Are The Real Losers?

The accepted wisdom of the world in which we live understands certain people to be winners and certain people to be losers.  But those who pursue and embrace the accepted wisdom of the world might be surprised in eternity because Jesus has this interesting phrase in which he tells us that there will come a time when the “first shall be last and the last shall be first.”

Thursday, January 26, 2012

E-Flash From Dan, Jan. 26, 2012

Dear E-Flash Friends;

I am excited!

We have 10 people who will be baptized this Sunday, Jan. 29th, five people at the 9 o’clock service and five people at the 11 o’clock service.  

On the day of Pentecost, a long time ago, Peter—filled with the Holy Spirit, as Jesus promised—delivered a powerful sermon which included this line: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you…” (Acts 2:38).  To be baptized is a good, right and proper step of obedience for every follower of Jesus.  And it is a public proclamation of faith in Christ.

The baptisms represent spiritual victory for the individuals who are responding in obedience to Christ and they represent spiritual victory to our congregation as we celebrate God’s vital work in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ! 

By the way, have I mentioned that I’m excited?  Oh, I have?  Okay, sorry to repeat myself, but I can’t help it, I am.

There’s something else coming up this Sunday, as well.

You say, “Wait a minute, there’s more, Dan?” 

Yep!  We will also be showing the movie “Courageous” on Sunday evening.  Snacks and mingling at 5:30; movie starts at 6pm; and *gospel tumbling commences at 8:45.  Hey guys, we hope you’re planning to come.  This is not a “chick flick” it is something that men can appreciate and enjoy.  In fact, I might even bring some fireworks and blow something up to just to establish the importance of manhood.

Hope you can make it to the services, you will be blessed if you do!

Love and blessings,



*NOTE:  Just kidding.  There will not be any type of “gospel tumbling” at 8:45.

Be Careful, You Are Being Fooled -- Audio Podcast

              Click here for audio!


Coincidence Or Work Of God?

The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, [recognizes that] our universe operates according to a whole set of specific numeric values, and our existence in the universe depends on those values being precisely what they are.” Based on this principle, it is sometimes said that our universe is incredibly fine-tuned for life. This is either the most mind-boggling coincidence imaginable or it’s the work of God.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Truly Wise Person Is Compassionate

I’m reading a well-researched book on the subject of “wisdom” and I’ve noticed something that makes sense. Most thoughtful attempts to define wisdom involve an acknowledgement that the truly wise person has love and compassion among those virtues that help identify him/her as wise.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Churches Are An Important Part of God's Plan

Churches are imperfect because one of the essential components of the church is people, and people have this annoying tendency to be flawed.  But the church is God’s idea and it is an important part of God’s plan.  So, God continues to work through the church.  He really does! This is a manifestation of His power, truth, grace and love.  Glory to God!

Podcast for 1/24/12

Don't be defeated by past mistakes.  Brief podcast with some words of encouragement.

                 Click here for audio!


Monday, January 23, 2012

The Evidence Is There If We Have Eyes To See It

Those of us who are willing to know whether God exists have been provided with evidence.  Faith is still required, but the evidence is there.  “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Will There Be Growth And Progress In Heaven?

Here’s an interesting question to ponder:  Will there be some type of growth and progress in heaven?  Christian philosopher, Peter Kreeft says, “In heaven our humanity is fulfilled, not negated, so I think there will be endless progress.”  Then Kreeft points out how God is necessary for such a thing, “But for endless progress, you need an infinite object. That's why you need God.” 

Friday, January 20, 2012

E-Flash From Dan, Jan. 22, 2012

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Here’s something encouraging:  In the book of Psalms, referring to God, the phrase “His love endures forever” is written 34 times!  In other words, based on the authority of God’s Word, we can be confident that after about 70 or 80 million years of experiencing God’s glory in heaven He won’t change His mind and get tired of loving us.  He loves us and He will continue to love us…  *FOREVER!!!

That’s good to know, huh?

The link, below, connects to an audio podcast that provides some details about the services that will be coming up this Sunday, Jan. 22nd.  It’s only about 8 and half minutes long and my son Taylor joins me in the fun!  If you have a moment, I hope you’ll take a listen.

Hope you’ve had a good week and I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Love and blessings,



* NOTE:  Theological experts tell us that “forever” is a really, really long time.

What's Coming Up This Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012?

My son, Taylor, joins Vic and I on the podcast.  Take a listen!

Click here for audio!


An Argument For Something "Spiritual"

Consciousness and Free Will cannot be explained by purely material means.  “Consciousness and free will have no natural explanation and seem to function beyond the bounds of physical law.” – Dinesh D’Souza.  These 2 significant aspects of human nature operate in a way that transcends the physical, giving us a strong argument for something…oh, let’s call it something “spiritual”.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's Okay To Be Blessed

Some people have a type of dread associated with being blessed, happy and joyful.  I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.  Apparently there is a universal human instinct which has been observed in many cultures that fears the possibility of cosmic anger and retribution for those who experience too much good.  

So, I just wanted to let you know that it’s okay to experience joy and happiness in the blessings of our lives.  God is not out to get us if we have too much fun.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jesus Gave His Life For Our Sins - Audio Podcast

            Click here for audio!


Seizing The Opportunity To Act

When God provides opportunities and allows us to be in certain situations, there is potentiality that God has set into play.  Then we have the opportunity to act.  We are in a position to do something with the gifts, talents, or abilities He has given us. We could say, at that point, that we are in a position to play our God-given part in advancing His kingdom.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dan's Podcast for 1/17/12

This is a brief podcast that provides some humor and some words of encouragement.  Lots of folks are starting to listen to the podcast.  Why not give it a try?

                   Click here to listen!


Are We Being Faithful?

A man in one of Jesus’ parables was given some responsibility and he handled it well.   As a result, he was told this:  “You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities.”  This, of course, raises a question for us:  Even if it doesn’t seem like much, are we being faithful right now with what we’ve been given?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wisdom And Friendship

Strong, trusting, enduring friendships are a very important aspect of experiencing joy in life and of living life wisely. “Of all the things that wisdom provides for living one’s entire life in happiness, the greatest by far is the possession of friendship.” Epicurus.  I thank God for my friends!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Go Ahead And Use The Nice Stuff

Some of us are inclined to save certain nice possessions for special occasions and the result is that we end up never using them. This is okay to a point but, you know what? It’s a good idea to use the “nice stuff” once in a while, too. So, go ahead and pull out the good china—or whatever you might be setting aside for a special time—and use it, today!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What's Coming Up This Sunday, Jan. 15, 2012?

Brief podcast provides some info about the services this Sunday, Jan. 15th.

Click here for audio!


Be Careful About "Counting Blessings"

I have to be careful about “counting my blessings”.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s a very good thing to do, but I have to be careful because if I begin the process of actually naming the many good ways in which I am blessed, it’s possible for me to get very embarrassed about all the times that I complain, gripe and manifest ingratitude.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Celebrating A Little Late... But You Know What They Say: Better Late Than Never!

Nadia and I found a great new restaurant while we were on our way to a completely different restaurant.  It’s fun when it happens that way, you know?

We enjoyed each other’s company—which doesn’t just mean that she listened to me talk—although that’s immensely enjoyable for both of us.

...I think.

We sat and gazed upon a beautiful view of the water as we dined on delicious food, except for the coleslaw which was mediocre.  We were celebrating our anniversary about a month and a half after it actually occurs on the calendar.  (The actual date is November 17th, but who’s counting?)

I know.  We’re occasionally a little bit slow in getting around to celebrating things.

It was a wonderful evening and on our way back to the car Nadia held my hand and whispered, “if I had a choice, I would do it all over again.”  I held her close to my side and said, “Me too.”

P.S.  When she said, “I would do it all over again” I thought it was a reference to marrying me.  But I found out later she meant that, given a choice, she would once again order the shrimp scampi.

Hey, what can I say?  It was very good shrimp.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Podcast for 1-3-11

Need a few laughs?  Need some inspiration?  Check out the podcast.  Dan and Vic talk about car horns and God's work in us.  ...It will make sense if you listen!

Click here for audio!
