Thursday, December 31, 2009

E-Flash from Dan, 12/31/09, New Year's Edition

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Happy New Year!  I hope that 2010 will be a terrific year for you.  I pray that it will be a year in which you live in obedience to God, loving Him and loving others generously and authentically.

Here’s a thought about “love” I posted on Facebook recently and it seems like it’s worth repeating here:

It is impossible to “love too much”. Sometimes people misunderstand what it really means to love, such as being overly permissive, when true love would establish boundaries. But this is not loving too much, this is avoiding what is necessary in order to be liked. REAL love reflects the character of God and is the highest good, it can’t be overdone.  “…And the greatest of these is love.” 1Cor.13:13

And if you’re sick and tired of loving other people and you just don’t want to do it anymore….can you…at least…try to be NICE?

Some of us are going to be embarking on a Bible Reading program together for 2010.  Reading the Bible and having a “quiet time” or “daily devotional time” each day is one of the primary catalysts of spiritual growth, so we want to encourage that activity for all of us who want to grow in our relationship with Christ.  In the Bible Reading program we are offering, we will read 5 minutes per day, 5 days per week, and we will read through the entire New Testament in 2010.  Cool, huh?  You are welcome to join us.  There are copies of the Bible Reading program on the table in the hallway near the lobby in the church.

(By the way, the “sick and tired of loving other people” line is just a joke.  Come on, I’ve got to try to spice up these “e-flashes” with a little bit of humor.)

You say, “Dan, is this program some kind of legalistic attempt by the church to make us all look the same and act the same and think the same thoughts?  Because if it is, I’m not interested!”

No, not at all.  This is simply our sincere attempt to help.  For those who could use some help and encouragement in developing a regular discipline of reading God’s word, we offer this program as a way of developing the discipline together, with others.  If this reading program is not for you, no problem.  If you think it could help you, great!

If you are participating in the program, remember that we begin with the New Year.  On Friday, January 1st, our reading starts with the New Testament book of Mark.  The reading for January 1st is Mark chapter 1.

Again, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Love and Blessings,


P.S.  If you have a Facebook account, I would love to connect with you there, if we have not already done so.

P.P.S.  If you would like to have the "E-Flash  From Dan" sent directly to your e-mail, send an e-mail message to the church at:
And write "Put me on the E-Flash list" in the subject field.

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