Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The "Lair" Is In Full Swing

Three thirty a.m., I awake to go to…well, nevermind, you probably have a good idea of where I was going.

There were sounds coming from downstairs, the sound of voices. Talking, debating.

You say, “Oh no, Dan!  Was it burglars?  Street gangs?  Punks?  Menacing bad guys, bent on no good?  What is this society coming to!?!  Quick, call 911!  Sic Jasper on them!  That’ll teach ‘em, as he runs up to them, teeth bared, and then lays down on his back expecting them to scratch his belly.”

No.  No.  Nothing like that.  Relax.

The voices were coming from the now legendary, “lair”.  Jimbo was there, and Johnnie T. and Luke and Pat and Andrew and Dave and I suspect there were others, too, I don’t know.  People come and go from “the lair” at hours that are beyond my capacity for wakefulness.  And I simply don’t have the time to go back and review the video from the *security cameras to identify the various folks.

I stood at the top of the stairs and listened for a moment.  Taylor is home from college and “the lair” is in full swing.  You know what that means, right?  Fun.  Games.  Televised sports.  All-night discussions.  All the leftovers in our fridge get taken care of.

As I crawled back in bed, a smile crossed my lips.  It’s almost like the “old days” again.  But not quite.  But almost.

But you know what?  I’m blessed.  It’s fun to hear them down there.  I fall back to sleep, grinning, and life is good.

* NOTE: There aren’t really any security cameras, but I thought it sounded sort of cool and official.

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