Friday, August 30, 2013

Getting A Haircut, These Days - Video

                                       Click here for video!

An Atheist Makes The Case For Sharing The Faith

Penn Jillette is a well-known, outspoken atheist but he says something interesting about the idea of sharing Christian faith.  He uses the word “proselytize” but we can think of it as sharing the faith. 

Here’s the quote, “I’ve always said that I don’t respect people who don’t proselytize. I don’t respect that at all. If you believe that there’s a heaven and a hell, and people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life, and you think that it’s not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward…how much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?”

Again, Jillette is not a believer.  But he is just expressing a simple and fairly undeniable logical thought process.  If you are a Christian who really believes in the God of the Bible and you believe heaven and hell are real then it only makes sense that you would want to help people come to know Christ.  In fact, Jillette is basically saying that to believe these things and NOT tell people about them reveals—in his words—something like hatred for the person.

It’s an intriguing comment because we don’t normally have well-known atheists making the case for the logical consistency of Christians attempting to share the faith.

Jesus talked about sharing the faith, too.  He challenged His followers this way…

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”  Matthew 28:18-20

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Avoiding Quarrels

Some people like to focus on minor religious topics, issues and controversies in order to stir up questions, disagreements, confusion and doubts.  I think most of us will be much happier—and won’t miss a thing—if we just simply avoid the temptation to engage in quarrels over these types of matters.

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 28

God looks at the heart.

                                Click here for podcast!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of Cardiac Rehab

On my first day of cardiac rehab one of the questions I was asked was, “How much do you think you weigh?”

I said, “I think I weigh about 165 pounds, can we go ahead and put that into your chart?”

Several of the staff people laughed.  You don’t have to be a trained rehab professional to take one look at me and know that I haven’t seen 165 pounds in a long time. 

Then one of the nurses smiled and replied, “I thought you said you were a minister.”

I said, “I am… and ministers never fib.  So, why don’t we make it 163 pounds in the chart?”

Again, people laughed.  And the nurse said, “It’s going to be interesting having you around here.”

I think we’re off to a pretty good start.

Cardiac Rehab... Getting Ready!

                                        Click here for video!

Maybe This Isn't That Funny, After All

Here’s some “wisdom” that I recently heard on a reality TV show:  “If you want true love you have to realize that you’re the only person who matters.” I know it has to be taken with a grain of salt—and then some—because it’s “reality TV,” but the person who said these words actually claims to have some expertise on the subject of love.  Think about the lack of basic logic revealed in the idea that love involves the realization that “you’re the only person who matters.”

I laughed when I heard the person say this and then I thought about lots of people being exposed to this kind of thinking and being influenced by it and I stopped laughing.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Don't Give Up, Keep Doing What Is Right

Sometimes life can feel like it is specifically designed to be hard, frustrating and discouraging.  I’m not joking when I say that I’ve had moments of frustration when it felt like everything I tried to do was way more difficult than it needed to be.  (It’s not true, of course, that everything was difficult, but that’s what it felt like.)  The truth is that life can be very challenging and it does involve struggle, but we don’t want to let that keep us from hoping, dreaming and trying.  Don’t give up.  Keep striving.  Keep doing what’s right.  (I’m challenging myself with this post and I hope you’re encouraged and challenged, too.)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Taking Our Faith Seriously

A large Pew Forum survey reports that 78% of adults in the U.S. identify themselves as Christians.  I’m praying that all of us who call ourselves Christians will take our faith in Christ seriously.  I’m praying that we will walk humbly with God and that we will sincerely allow His light to shine through us in ways that are authentic, positive, loving, attractive, helpful, gracious and powerful. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

God Will Never Stop Loving Us

God cannot lie.  It’s not that He could lie if He wanted to but He chooses not to lie.  It’s that lying is an impossibility for God because Truth is part of His nature. [See Hebrews 6:18]   I’m bringing this up because God promises in His word that He will never stop loving us. [Romans 8:35-39]  Let that sink in for a moment: You and I will never stop being loved by God!  That’s His promise to us. This is wonderful news, isn’t it?

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 27

Pain, struggle and growth.
Quick and encouraging!

                         Click here for podcast!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Does Jesus Really Know What's Best?

Some people are concerned that if they live the way God calls us to live it will ruin their fun and cramp their style. That’s why it’s interesting to consider that Jesus said that actually the best way for us to live our lives is to die to ourselves and live for Him.

“What? That’s crazy!” Some will protest. “That would be confining and boring.”

So, then, the questions are:  Is Jesus right?  Does Jesus really know best?  Does Jesus really know the most fulfilling, most effective, most meaningful way for you and I to live our lives?

I can’t claim that I follow Him perfectly, but I’m trusting that He does know best.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Follow Jesus

Sometimes, in Christianity, we think in terms of following particular theological points of view or particular denominations.  We might even find ourselves thinking in terms of following a particular teacher or leader.  I can understand how these things happen and I respect the importance of theological distinctions and the role of leadership.  But it’s good for us to remember that ultimately, we follow Jesus and our primary allegiance must always be to Him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I May Have Swallowed A Bug

There’s a slight possibility that I may have swallowed a small bug.  He was flying around my head for the past 10 minutes and I kept trying to clap my hands together and squash him. 

At one point, he flew right in front of my face, close to my mouth, as I was taking a deep breath.  And I haven’t seen him ever since then.

I’ve brushed my teeth and gargled but that’s not really making me feel better about this whole situation.  I realize people eat bugs and still live when they are surviving in the wild but I’m feeling queasy.

I think I’ll go gargle again.

The Wisdom of Seeing Cause And Effect

A lot of times the troubles we are experiencing come from not seeing the simple connection between genuine root causes and the effects they produce.  Actually, it’s probably more accurate to say that our troubles may come because we don’t WANT to see the connection between root causes and their effects.  It is an aspect of wisdom to see this connection and respect the truth of it.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 26

Love God with your mind.

                      Click here for podcast!

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 25

God is the unwavering standard.

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Seeing The Beauty And Wonder of Life, Right Now

We’re all very busy, so, it escapes our attention that the “same old world” that we experience every day actually has a lot to notice, if we will slow down, open our eyes, pay attention and be fully present.  If we can’t see that life is interesting right now, it’s unlikely that we will see life as more interesting just because we go somewhere different tomorrow.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Jasper's Conditional Love

Jasper put his head in my lap and looked at me, lovingly, with his big brown eyes.  It almost seemed he was ready to say something.

“What is it, Jasper?  What do you want to say?” I asked, petting the top of his head.

I believe the desire was there—he truly wanted to verbalize a thought—it was on the tip of his long tongue… but he just couldn’t form the words.

One of the things that draw people to dogs is that they appear to extend unconditional love to us.  That’s a tremendously attractive quality.  Jasper’s love, however, is conditional and he really does not attempt to hide that fact.  With Jasper, it is a blatantly conditional love that comes my way.

You see, I was eating some Fritos (no, not sliced apples, it was Fritos) and that’s why Jasper was giving me the time of day.  He gazed at me with rapt attention, occasionally licking my hand or nuzzling his head against my leg.

And, of course, soon the bag of Fritos was gone.  But guess what?

Jasper still sat with his head in my lap!

I scratched behind his ear and let out a contented chuckle.  “Perhaps he loves me more than I realized,” came the pleasant thought.

It turns out, though, there was a small piece of Fritos sticking to the upper part of my pant leg.  Jasper ate it and walked away.  After all, Nadia had some sour cream and onion potato chips.

Striving For Success On God's Terms

When I became the pastor of the church in Oak Lawn, I (secretly) thought I would be the successful pastor of the successful church filled with successful people.  I was not anticipating the possibility that God had other plans in mind.  As time has gone by I’ve come to realize that a more accurate description of the situation would be that we are the church for hurting people.

That was not what I was expecting.

But God is helping me understand I can still be the successful pastor of the successful church filled with successful people.  It’s just that I need to have an accurate understanding of success as God defines it.

Success is this:  Faithful obedience to God.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Self-Restraint and Freedom

Freedom is a fantastic thing.  But freedom requires that people exercise virtues like respect for others and self-restraint or else the very freedom that we love crosses a line which ironically leads to oppression.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Using Our Time Wisely

Every one of us will have this in common today: We will have 60 seconds to each minute, 60 minutes to each hour and, ultimately, we will have 24 hours in this day.  Poor, rich, good-looking, not-so-good-looking, powerful, not-so-powerful, young, old; when it comes to this particular matter we are all the same. The big question, of course, is how will we use this time that we are given?  I’m praying that we will use it well.  …But don’t let that cause you to feel any pressure!

What's Coming Up 8/18/13? -- Audio Podcast

Lisa Roule and I talk about Ashton Kutcher's speech at the Teen Choice Awards as well as what's coming up at the services this Sunday.

                      Click here for podcast!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good News: No One Is Beyond God's Mercy

When people think of themselves as “pretty good” in terms of their personal moral conduct, they can sometimes be bothered by the fact that no one—including the most offensive criminal—is beyond God’s mercy. But the truth is this: for every single person who has ever lived—for all of us—it is very good news that no one is beyond God’s mercy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Someone Following Me

Last night, at about 10 pm, I went for a walk.  After I had been out for a while I noticed there was someone else who was out walking and he was about 25 yards behind me. At first he caught my attention because his shoes were clicking on the sidewalk.

I didn't really think much about it until after I had taken several turns down various blocks in the neighborhood and it occurred to me that he was still behind me.

I began to think “this is a little bit strange” when I took a few more turns and he was still behind me.

“Is it possible this guy is following me?” I thought.

And almost immediately my next thought was, “Oh come on, no one's following you.”

But when I took another turn and he was still behind me I actually began to think about a strategy.  “How am I going to respond if this guy actually tries to do something strange?” I pondered.

But I also continued to tell myself, “For crying out loud, stop being so dramatic!”

Finally, I came to a point where I took a left turn and the person following me took a right turn.  After I walked a short distance in my new direction I glanced back over my shoulder to look for the person who had been following me.  And at the same moment he was glancing back over his shoulder looking at me.

I thought, “What are you looking at?!?  You’re the one who was following me.  I should be glancing over my shoulder for any further signs of trouble, not you!”

But I reassured myself.  “See?  Your mind is always inventing crazy scenarios and trying to turn nothing into something.”

Just then 6 Samurai-Shaolin-Lethal-Ninja-Warrior-Monks jumped out from behind the bushes.  Some of you know, I’ve had some health issues recently and—I’m embarrassed to say—it took me almost 3 minutes to dispatch them all.  I’m really slowing down.

So, what’s the point of all this?  It’s simple, I’m just trying to let everyone know there are some parts of Oak Lawn where it’s important to watch out for aggressive roving

Other than that everything has been fairly routine, lately.

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 24

Can we really know God?

                       Click here for podcast!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Taking Jesus Seriously

Some people have concluded that the truth and reality of Jesus is not something to be taken seriously or carefully considered, simply because submitting to Jesus would be extremely inconvenient.  It can be much easier to say, “This Jesus stuff is all a big myth.”  And then go on about your day without the idea that there is Someone to whom we are accountable.

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 23

God is not a crutch for weak people.

                      Click here for podcast!

We Really Can Know God

The Bible tells us that we can know God.  It’s not that we can know Him completely, after all, He is infinite and we are finite.  We cannot know everything about God, just like we cannot know everything about any other person we’ve encountered.  However, we can still truly know Him.  God says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Making An Amazing Pizza

I had a hunger for pizza tonight.  And before I grabbed the phone to order from one of our local pizza joints I asked Nadia if she wanted some pizza, too.  As usual, she said no.  (Nadia doesn’t really like pizza.  But she’s still a terrific person and a wonderful wife and mother despite this tragic flaw.)

Nadia made an interesting suggestion to me, though.  She said, “Why don’t you make a pizza?”

I thought, “Hmm, that’s a very intriguing idea.”  In fact, the more I pondered the notion, the more sense it made. 

“Most guys—with limited skills like me—would never attempt to make a pizza from scratch.” I said to myself.  “It’s a huge effort.”  But something told me to throw caution to the wind and go for it!

So, I got a box of pizza out of the freezer, sprinkled mozzarella cheese on the pizza and put it in the oven.  Twenty minutes later I removed the pizza from the oven and there it was: a delicious pizza that I made from scratch!

I know, it’s astonishing, isn’t it?  I amaze myself with this kind of culinary expertise.  And to think, I’ve never had formal chef training.  It’s all self-education, a love of food and intuition.

Nadia and I have agreed, there’s a good possibility I need to be hosting one of those cooking shows on The Food Network.

God Looks At The Inside

Our inclination is to look at the outside of a person.  We pay attention to their looks, what they wear, hairstyles, etc.  God looks at the inside.  He is concerned with thoughts, attitudes, motivations of the heart.  These inner qualities are more substantive and they reveal more significant truths about the person.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Feed My Sheep - Audio Podcast

John 21:12-17

                            Click here for podcast!

Obligated To Speak The Truth

If your doctor did not tell you the truth about some serious medical condition which affects you because he didn’t want to hurt your feelings or make you feel sad, you would report him to the authorities—and rightly so. Why? Because he is ethically obligated to tell the truth. We are obligated to tell the truth, too. We must speak with grace, humility and love, yes, but we must tell the truth.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Testing And Trials Produce Growth

Living through a difficult trial or time of testing can be frightening and stressful.  It goes without saying that these times are not fun.  However, after we have lived some life most of us come to realize that—even though they are unpleasant—these are the times in which our faith becomes very basic: we are either trusting in Christ or we are not.  We get to the essence of our faith.  These are also times in which we experience the greatest growth.

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 20

A life of discipline.

                      Click here for podcast!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Finding The Lego Store

Rachel and I were wandering around the mall, today, looking for the Lego store.  I didn’t really know where it was but I kept guessing and walking here and there.  

Rachel said, on several occasions, “Let’s look at a directory.”

But I kept roaming about thinking it was probably right around the next corner.

Suddenly I began to chuckle because I realized we were having one of those experiences people frequently mention when they talk about the differences between men and women.  We weren’t driving in a car, lost, while I refused to stop and ask for directions.  But the situation was similar.  We were meandering around the mall and I didn’t know where the Lego store was located but I didn’t simply look at the mall directory.

I should say, in fairness to myself, that I was actually keeping my eyes open for a mall directory station while I was also looking for the Lego store.  I wasn’t opposed to consulting the directory.  On the other hand, though, I was not walking directly to one of the mall entrances which is where, I knew, a mall directory station would definitely be located.

I kept acting very confident and trying to give the impression that I was pretty sure I knew where the Lego store was located.  But even though Rachel is mentally challenged she knew that I didn’t really know.  Rachel’s intellectual capabilities may not be the same as a typical 24 year old, but she still seems to have a tremendously acute understanding of the times I don’t know what’s going on, even though I’m acting like I know what’s going on.

“Can we just look at a directory?” she continued to ask.  My attempt to act confidently knowledgeable about the situation was not fooling her.

Finally I broke down, walked to a directory, then—armed with accurate information—quickly and confidently walked straight to the Lego store.

Every now and then Rachel will give me one of those “I-told-you-so” comments.  But I think, in this case, she was so happy we were no longer wandering in the retail wilderness that she resisted the impulse and just enjoyed—finally!—being at the store.

Keep Dreaming Dreams

It’s encouraging and important to have a few things that you are dreaming about.  To have dreams is an aspect of hope.  I want to live with a sense of hope about the future, don’t you?  People who walk with God and genuinely understand who He is, should be among those who are most hopeful!  “…Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Dwindling Attention Span

Tonight—actually, just a few minutes ago—I was watching a movie on television, with a computer in my lap and browsing through the Amazon bookstore on a Kindle device, all at the same time.  And I felt restless.

I thought to myself, “You should be writing something.”

So, that resulted in this post.

Actually, what’s really bothering me is that I know something’s wrong.  Sure, I laughed about it when it occurred to me that none of the three devices—the TV, the computer, or the Kindle—were really the object of my complete focus.  I chuckled and shook my head when I realized that I’m having trouble paying attention.  But I know something is not right. 

I have three technological tools that would have literally seemed like extraordinarily mysterious magic devices 75 years ago.  Any one of these pieces of technology would have captured my grandparent’s attention with bewilderment and wonder for hours.   And, yet, the three of them, together, can’t really keep my attention very well.  How is this happening?

Even though I read a lot and try to convince myself that must mean I have some intellectual depth, the truth is I can tell my attention span is getting shorter.

(Is attention span linked to intelligence?  I hope not.  Because if it is, I’m getting dumber.)

I was talking with my brother-in-law Paul about this same subject a couple of nights ago.  He says that his attention span is getting shorter, too.  And he said a few other things, as well, but I can’t remember all of our discussion anymore because even though we were both talking, neither one of us were paying attention to the conversation after about a minute, or two.

Like most of the people reading this post, I’ve been exposed to expert marketing; clever, entertaining visual images; and endless hype my whole life through television, radio, movies, computers and now, even, the phone in my pocket.  And I think it’s finally starting to have a noticeable effect on my attention span and my ability to concentrate.

What does all of this mean?  I don’t know.  But I’m pretty sure that… um… basically…
Uhhh… What have we been talking about…? 

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 19

The God of second chances.

                      Click here for podcast!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Challenge of Slowing Down

One of the hardest things for people in our culture to do is be quiet and enter into prayer and solitude with God.  We would much rather “do something productive.”   There is a constant chatter in our minds and a relentless busyness that often elbows prayer and solitude out of the picture.

…Slow down.  We were not designed for perpetual busyness.  Find time.  Make time.  We were created to spend some quiet time with God—this is an important part of a full, rich life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 17

Jesus says, "Love God and love each other."

                          Click here for podcast!

It's Probably Not As Bad As We Think It Is

Many of the bad things that happen in life are not as bad as we think they are.  I’m not suggesting that there are no genuine tragedies or catastrophic negative events, of course there are.  However, we often have a tendency to exaggerate negative events to a point beyond their true significance.  So, go ahead and smile it’s probably not as bad as you think it is.

Jesus Prays For Unity - Audio Podcast

John 17:20-24

                    Click here for podcast!