Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Mechanical Aptitude Is Soaring

I’m not mechanically inclined.  So, for people who know me, one of the great treats is to buy something that “needs some assembly” and then try to discreetly watch me put it together.  (Just watching me hit myself with the hammer can be endlessly entertaining.)

Yesterday, a bookcase in my office fell apart.  At one time the roof in my office had a leak and that leak soaked this bookcase.  It’s a long story and I won’t go into all of it here, but the basic gist of it is that the base of the bookcase was water damaged.  And yesterday, it finally fell apart.  (The saddest aspect of that leak was that some books were actually damaged, not just the bookcase, but books!  Books were DAMAGED!!!  I cried and cried for weeks about that.  I still get a little choked up just thinking about it.  In fact, hold on a second…..I have to wipe away some tears……)

……Okay, I’m back.

So, we bought a new bookcase to replace the old one and the new bookcase required “some assembly”.

At this point, you might be thinking that this will be a story about how I labored and fought and sweated and fumed and when it was all said and done I never did get the bookcase put together.

Well, guess what?  I must be learning, I must be improving, because I put the bookcase together and it wasn’t very difficult.  It didn’t take an inordinate amount of time.  I didn’t hit myself even one time with the hammer.  I didn’t utilize even one piece of duct tape (that’s close to being a “miracle” right there).  And there weren’t any major troubles along the way—I put one of the pieces on backwards but I caught that mistake fairly quickly and corrected it.

Hey, I’m getting pretty good at this.  Maybe I’m developing a whole new aptitude.  Don’t laugh, it can happen.

In fact, Nadia just told me that some high voltage electrical repairs are needed at the church.  Well, I’m feeling pretty confident now, since, after all, I’ve put together a bookcase.

I’m going to go take a look at it.  Yeah, electrical work should be no problem, right?  I’ll let you know how this one goes…..

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