Sunday, December 20, 2009

Real Love Is A Potent Testimony

I suspect 10,000 logically sound arguments for the reality of Christianity would never be as persuasive as seeing Christians humbly, sacrificially, genuinely LOVE each other. Have you noticed that it’s pretty hard to deny the powerful reality of authentic love? It was Jesus who said to His followers, “they’ll know you are my disciples by your love for each other.” Today, I hope our love clearly marks us as followers of Him.


Mary said...

I have recently been reminded myself that we are all made in God's image, therefore humans are not evil but evil can reside inside them. It makes it easier to try to love someone if you separate God's creation from the evil inside of them.

I'm reading a very disturbing book right now, I think that's why it keeps surfacing in my mind. It doesn't necessarily have to be "evil" just Satan trying to get his way - although I guess that is evil.

Dan Marler said...

Mary, the way I've been taught to understand it is that we were made "in the image of God", so, we were originally made VERY GOOD. But because of the "fall" we have been corrupted. And, according to the Bible, are hearts are wicked. (It's a grim diagnosis, but this is the basic biblical understanding.) And, so, we really are capable of wickedness and evil. But when we accept Christ, God's Holy Spirit, alive in us, imparts to us the righteousness of Christ. His love in us and His power at work in us then makes us capable of great goodness and genuine love, all thanks to God. And Jesus said that people will recognize that we are His disciples when they see authentic manifestations of this humble, sacrificial, genuine love that we have for each other.

This authentic love, resulting from the work of God's Holy Spirit, is very persuasive to those who witness it.

The idea that a truly humble, sacrificial, giving, selfless, genuine love would be a powerful testimony to others makes sense, if you think about it.

Mary said...

I thought I left a message on here yesterday thanking you for the clarification. But since I don't see it I wanted to make sure you knew that I appreciated your response.