Friday, December 11, 2009

A Call From My Old Friend Mike

I got a phone call from an old friend a couple of days ago.  Mike was one of my roommates back in college.  He’s finally a free man, again, having gotten significant time off for “good behavior.” 

I’m just kidding!  That’s a joke.  I like to tease Mike….the truth is his behavior was probably NOT all that good.

It’s great fun to talk with a friend from the olden days and reminisce about our past adventures and get caught up on life’s current adventures.  He was calling to tell me, among other things, that Sandi Patty would be a guest on his radio show that night.  (You can listen to an archive of the show at the link provided below.) 

Many of you know Sandi Patty, but some others don’t.  She is a highly respected and successful Christian singer.  She has a voice like an angel sent from heaven…after many years of vocal coaching and grueling lessons in which I taught her everything I know.  Sandi and I were in a music group back in college and with a wistful tear in the eye she credits the experience as one of the great musical and spiritual breakthroughs of her life.  Which makes you wonder why she has spent so many years in therapy, trying to forget the entire matter.  Hmm…I don’t understand…oh well.

Mike said, “It would be great to have you on the show, Dan, as a surprise guest.  Sandi would probably be thrilled.”

“That’s true,” I responded. “Nothing would make her happier.  It’s hard to even imagine how excited she would be.”

Somehow, Sandi must have gotten wind of our plans because I’ve been served with a restraining order and told to remain 500 yards away from the radio station at all times.  That’s really odd since she was going to be “phoning” in to the station and so was I.  But, I guess, you can never be too safe.

P.S.  Okay, you’ve probably guessed, by now, much of this post has been fabricated.  Although, it has some elements of truth, here and there…if you look real hard…and if you don’t take the actual “words” too seriously.  I’ll let you try to figure out what’s true and what’s not.  But this part is true: you really can listen to Sandi on my friend Mike’s radio show at this link….

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