Friday, April 30, 2021

Playing a guitar my friend Dennis made

My friend Dennis is a deep thinker, with a keen mind, who challenges me with interesting ideas and thoughts. He is also a self-taught guitar maker. When I say self-taught of course I mean that his years of working with wood have been combined with lots of insights from YouTube. And voila!

Dennis has made some beautiful guitars including the ones you see in these photos. Dennis made every part of these guitars except the frets, strings, tuning gears and the truss rod which goes through the neck. They represent tremendous creativity and craftsmanship.

The inside support structure of these guitars involves the type of design that is found in a sea shell. I would explain that concept further but I don’t really know how. So I’ll leave it at that. But in spite of my limited understanding I can tell you this: It is totally unique and very cool!

Thanks for letting me see and play some of your works of art, Dennis!


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

We know what you mean Mr. Twain


Do good to each other

Here’s a brief passage from the Bible that is a wonderful word of challenge and advice.

“See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.” 1 Thessalonians 5:15

With God’s help this would be a terrific objective for today.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

A thought regarding freedom from Os Guinness

Quote from Christian thinker, writer and philosopher, Os Guinness:

“I am a long-time admirer of the American experiment and of the place of freedom in America. Unquestionably freedom is, and will always be, America’s animating principle and chief glory, her most important idea and her greatest strength.”

I believe, help me overcome my unbelief


Friday, April 23, 2021

Trying to impress others?

Here is one of those quotes that is funny because it’s uncomfortably true. It’s from Will Rogers who was a very witty man and one of my favorite ballet instructors:

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like.”

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Humans are capable of going very low

It is incredibly disappointing to see how cruel people can sometimes be to each other. It can actually make a person’s heart hurt.

It seems like most people—even those with a mean streak—would be inclined to take this type of approach: “I would never want someone to be really cruel to me therefore I will make it a point not to inflict this type of cruelty on others.”

But we humans are capable of going very low. Frankly, it’s not one of our better traits.

Jesus has simple, important, helpful and instructive words:

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…” Matthew 7:12

Rachel relaxing on the rock hard concrete


What is a psychological Benjamin Button?


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

It's that woman you gave me!


God has initiated everything when it comes to salvation

It’s important to keep in mind, God has already initiated everything when it comes to salvation. We do not make a first move by repenting or seeking His forgiveness. It’s not: First we repent. Then God, in His grace, responds with forgiveness.

He acted first. He loved us first.

Consider this: Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. (See Romans 5:8)

We do not make a first move in the process of establishing forgiveness, redemption and salvation. Our loving, gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has already made the first move.

Our repentance, confession and receiving of forgiveness and salvation is a response to God. He is first. Our repentance, confession and receiving of forgiveness and salvation is a response to who God is, to what He has done for us, and the grace He extends to us, in light of our recognition of our sin.


“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9


I know this will really come across as “Bible thumper” stuff to some folks. But I’m trying to throw someone a life preserver.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Big rabbit in our backyard

There was a very large rabbit in our backyard about an hour ago. I tried to get a photo of him but he ran off before I could get my phone out of my pocket. I know he was much bigger and tougher than a typical rabbit because he was smoking and had an eyepatch.

Lucy and Finley frequently chase after the rabbits in our yard but I wonder about this one. If they would have encountered this fellow they might have met their match.

But you know what this means. Right?

Yep. Tomorrow I’m signing Lucy and Finley up for Jiu Jitsu class. I know that sounds ridiculous but they have a little more free time now that they’ve stopped taking piano lessons.


It’s important and helpful to know that God loves us


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Stirring the fires of courage in you

I was blessed to see an example of courage today. I am not at liberty to provide details but I mention it here to inspire and encourage others.

The exercise of courage always motivates me. It brings joy and excitement to my heart.

Fear tends to be paralyzing. Fear often suppresses achievement, effort and life. Courage tends to bring increase, fear tends to bring decrease.

To everyone who reads this post, even though you do not know the details of the matter I am referencing, nevertheless, my prayer is that simply knowing that an act of courage was exhibited stirs up the fires of courage in you.

“…Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Friday, April 16, 2021

Lucy is chill!

Our dog, Lucy, is very relaxed, very chill. Sometimes she looks at our other dog, Finley, who is full of vigor, liveliness and mischief, and you can tell Lucy is thinking, “Settle down. You are expending way too much energy. If you keep this up, the humans are going to expect us to start doing tricks or chase after sticks that they throw in the back yard. Kick back and have some herbal tea.”

Lucy has a goal of getting 19-20 hours of sleep each day. The remaining hours are dedicated to rest and relaxation.

Lucy started to ask me not to write this post because she is concerned that people will think she is lazy and lacking in ambition, but she stopped to lie down for a few moments before fully expressing her thoughts and was never able to complete her request.

Monday, April 12, 2021

My backyard or the beach? ...Hmm!

I was thinking today about being at a beach; a warm tropical beach, not a cold one. To be clear, I am not at a beach, I’m in my backyard watching Lucy and Finley roll around in the grass. It’s nice but it’s not the same. It’s quite a bit colder and wearing my swimsuit seems to have been a slightly awkward choice.

I’m pretty sure God’s favorite place is a tropical beach. I can’t find a Bible verse to establish this idea as true it just seems to me that it is a self-evident truth like, for instance, the widely accepted self-evident truth that chocolate is the most nutritious vegetable.

Anyhow, the important point to keep in mind is this: a warm tropical beach is slightly better than my backyard.


Lord, please! Send anyone else! – Full message


If we will be obedient, God will handle the outcome


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Finley loves to eat!

Finley loves to eat. In fact, she desires food more than any other dog. More than any other dog on planet earth. Scientists have verified this fact. And they were wearing lab coats so you know it’s official.

When Finley doesn’t have food. She wants food.

When Finley does have food. She wants more food.

When Finley gets more food. She is finally satisfied.

Ha! Just kidding. She is never satisfied. She always wants more food.

If any food in our house is left in a place that Finley might possibly be able to access…she finds it and she gets it.

If any food in our neighbor’s house is left in a place that Finley might possibly be able to access…she finds it and she gets it.

The neighbors have gotten much better about locking their doors.

There is never dull moment with Finley.


Rachel's new form of Pilates

Rachel has invented a new form of Pilates. It is much simpler than the other forms.

It works like this:

Lie very still on the floor, being sure to maintain an atmosphere of total quiet.

Take several deep breaths, inhaling through the nostrils and exhaling through the bottoms of the feet.

At some point sleep comes to the practitioner.

When the slumber has ended and the practitioner awakens, get up off the floor and enjoy a chocolate shake as a post-workout recovery drink.

Do not share the shake with others who may be standing nearby even if they say, “Wow, that shake looks really good. I wouldn’t mind having a taste.”

Repeat the process 3-4 days a week—while watching videos of people lifting weights—for optimal results.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

We have an advocate

An “advocate” is: “One who pleads the cause of another.” [Merriam-Webster]

If you actually had an advocate, it would be a wonderful benefit. Your advocate would offer support, counsel and help. Your advocate would be your defender.

So hang on, because what follows is some terrific news from God’s word:

“…[W]e have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous.” 1 John 2:1

This is about a commitment to genuine freedom and truth

Scott W. Atlas has served as professor and chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center. He has been a “health policy scholar for over 15 years” and a “professor at elite universities for 30 years.” He serves as an ad hoc member of the Nominating Committee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology.

He writes, “…I am shocked and dismayed that so many faculty members at these universities are now dangerously intolerant of opinions contrary to their favored narrative.”

He writes, “I also fear that the idea of science as a search for truth—a search utilizing the empirical scientific method—has been seriously damaged. Even the world’s leading scientific journals—‘The Lancet,’ ‘New England Journal of Medicine,’ ‘Science,’ and ‘Nature’—have been contaminated by politics. What is more concerning, many in the public and in the scientific community have become fatigued by the arguments—and fatigue will allow fallacy to triumph over truth.”

What Dr. Atlas has expressed ought to concern all people who love and value the free pursuit of academic and scientific truth, as well as, all those who value freedom of speech. This is not about an allegiance to the right or the left, politically, this is about a commitment to genuine freedom and truth. It is serious and it is important.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A cookie?

If a person really wants to eat a cookie, the person should go ahead and eat the cookie.

I read the previous statement, one time, in a distinguished medical journal. So I’m pretty sure it’s true.

…Or, it may have been on a sign in a bakery. Either way, it was an authoritative and highly reliable source.

I’m not writing this because I have any interest in eating a cookie. As a matter of fact, I’ve grown quite bored of cookies. I find them to be futile and obvious. I’m writing this to provide helpful, instructive information for you, dear friends. It is my desire to serve others.

How deception works...

 One of the tactics of large-scale cultural deceivers...

Do not show favoritism!


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Enjoyed this small talk

Last week I got my hair cut and the stylist was trying to be nice and make small talk. Referring to the fact that my hair is thinning out a bit and I have a bald spot she said, “But you still have pretty good coverage.”

I’m not really sure why that makes me laugh but when she said it I laughed and every time I think about it I laugh all over again.

What is so funny about that line? I do not know. But it makes me laugh.

So, I just want to let everyone know that a trained professional has carefully examined the situation and has given me this assurance: I still have pretty good coverage.

Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? - Full message