Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Give Up Your Life...And Find It

In the Christian faith we “give up” ruling our own lives and submit to God’s rule. This is the best thing that could happen, but we have a certain reluctance to do this because in our pride we are extremely attached to the idea of ruling our selves. Have you noticed? Consider these words of Jesus: “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matt.10:39


Mary said...

We've been teaching this in the Mountain Movers. It's a Fruit Formula. Death to Self + Jesus' life in me = Spiritual Fruit. I just hope that what the girls are being taught stays with them as they grow up - and with the moms (including me) as well!

Dan Marler said...

I like your formula, Mary, that's a good way of putting it. And, yes, making it stick is hard. It is a lesson that can be learned and, yet, we can find ourselves, later, rebelling against it again. Thanks for teaching it to the Mountain Movers, what you and the team are doing there is a WONDERFUL thing!