Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Loving Others Is "Right"

If you find it difficult to say “I love you” to certain people, it may be that those are the very people to whom you need to express this phrase.  Being loving toward others isn’t always easy, but it’s always right.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Audio Message: Jesus The Reconciler

Click Here!


Video: I'm Starting To Drive Everyone Crazy With My Camcorder

Click Here For Video


Watch Out For False Teaching About Jesus

In Christianity, false teaching will frequently involve incorrect teaching about Jesus. For example, the humanity of Jesus will be denied, or the deity of Jesus will be denied, or the central importance of Jesus to salvation will be denied.  “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…” Phil.4:8

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Coming Alongside Those Who Are Hurting

“…Tears without…someone to hear and care, leave [our] wounds unhealed. When someone listens to our groanings and stays there, we feel something change inside us. Despair seems less necessary; hope begins to stir where before there was only pain.”—[Crabb].  We were created by God to connect with others. That’s why it helps heal our pain when someone comes along side us and loves us.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Faith Encourages Greater Dependence On God

We know that Christianity involves faith, however, the fact that there is a “faith” component to spiritual life does not diminish its truth, rather, faith encourages greater dependence on God.  And that’s good because God is actually the truly trustworthy One, anyhow.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Video: What's It Like To Live With Yia Yia?

Click Here For Video


Jesus Knows About All of Our Stuff And He Still Loves Us

Jesus reaches His nail-scarred hand out to you and me. He loves us. He knows about all the stuff we’ve done, all the mistakes, all the nonsense and, yet, He still loves us totally and completely. In fact, if you were the only person in the world who ever messed up—you’re not, but if you were—Jesus would have died just to bring you into His family!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Have Much To Be Thankful For

If I take a pen and paper and actually engage in the process of writing down the blessings in my life, I am stunned by the many, many, many things I have to be thankful for. My friend Greg often says, “God treats me better than I deserve.” This is true. Today, my hope and prayer is that you are a recipient of this kind of incredible goodness, love and grace, too!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Video: Here's How We Bring Taylor Home From Anderson

Click Here For Video!


Growing In Love

Are you GROWING in love? This is normal for followers of Christ. If we’re not growing in love, there is a disconnect somewhere and it’s time for some honest soul-searching. The longer we live with Christ, the more His love will grow in us. “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1John4:16(b) 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thinking of Others

“Turn from your selfish ways,” says Jesus. It’s a tall order, but with the help of God’s Holy Spirit we can come to an orientation in life in which we regularly begin to think like this: “How can I help others? How could I encourage others? What could I do to benefit others?” Jesus, also, says, if you give up your life for my [Jesus’] sake…guess what?...You actually find LIFE…the true life you’re looking for!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Video: Dad Was Pretty Wise

Click Here For Video


Don't Keep A Record of Wrongs

The Bible says that love “keeps no record of wrongs” [1Cor.13:5b]. Ouch!  So, if I really love someone I won’t keep that little mental list in my head of all the times the person did something wrong and therefore all the times he “owes” me? I’ll let that go because I’m so loving? Ouch! Apparently, I still have some growing to do.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

God Isn't Trying To Ruin Our Fun...His Laws Are For Our Own Good

God’s laws are not arbitrary, nor are they intended to “ruin all of our fun”.  When we consider the matter honestly and carefully we see that God’s laws are designed to benefit us and protect us. We tell little children, “Don’t touch that hot oven.”  We do this for their own good. In a similar sense, God establishes his laws and says, “Trust me, I love you.  This is for your own good.”

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saying "I Love You"

It’s important to say the words “I love you”. Even if people already know that you love them, say the words anyhow. Words are important and what the words “I love you” convey to others goes beyond the potency of a simple phrase.  It lifts people up, it encourages them and it strengthens the bond that exists between people. And even if they already know, it’s a nice REMINDER that…you love them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

God's Glory Is The Main Point

Sometimes people approach faith in God as if the primary point of it all is that God serves some practical benefit.  But that’s not a correct view of the matter.  “God’s glory” is the central issue.  “The point is that God be glorified in us, not that He become useful to us.” ~Larry Crabb

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Audio Message Titled: Jesus, The Head of The Church

Click Here For Message


God Wants Us To Love Him With Our Minds

“God has revealed himself in WORDS to MINDS. His revelation is a rational revelation to rational creatures. Our duty is to receive his message, to submit to it, to seek to understand it and to relate it to the world in which we live.” [Stott] God cares about our intellect.  God gave us minds and He wants us to THINK soberly and effectively. And He wants us to love Him with our minds, not just our emotions.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Video: Dan's Anniversary Greeting

Click Here For Video


Jesus Wants Us To Experience Real, Full, Abundant Life

“When you look in the mirror and see the light gone from your eyes, when you stop laughing, listening to music, or thinking about a positive future,…then you see a ruined man’s reflection.” ~Bill Hull.  That is not the existence Jesus wants for us.  What He wants for us is life—real life, full life, abundant life—life with Him. He is the source of all true living.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is "Love" Worth The Trouble? YES!

Sometimes love doesn’t feel like it’s worth the trouble because love requires vulnerability and it opens us up to the possibility of being genuinely hurt by others. It’s tempting to withdraw and say, “Forget it!” But the example of Jesus is clear: we are called to love anyhow. We are called to love even though loving others mean there will be pain. This is why TRUE love is a “God thing”.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Want Me Some Deeeee-Licious Squirrel!

Jasper was sitting in front of the picture window in our living room looking outside and his head was going back and forth.  It looked like he was watching a tennis match.  I peered beyond Jasper to the outside area that he was viewing and I could see a couple of squirrels running back and forth.

Jasper was completely quiet which was unusual.  Normally, he growls or barks or plays violin when he sees squirrels outside.  But this time he just sat silently while his gaze went back and forth and he watched the critters.

Then, as if he could sense that I was staring at him, Jasper turned his head my way and looked at me and that’s when I saw it.  He was literally drooling.  I burst out laughing!  He looked like he hadn’t been fed in weeks.  A long string of drool was stretching down about 6 or 7 inches from his mouth and there was slobber around his lips.  I was cracking up!  He looked so funny!!!  (I tried to get a photo of the drool, but I missed it, I didn’t get there in time.  A lesson to future photographers:  There’s an important timing factor involved in capturing “drool”.)

Occasionally, I’ve wondered, “What would Jasper actually do, if he caught one of those squirrels?”

I have a feeling that I know, now, what he would do.

By the way, it’s hard to blame him.  At one point, I’m pretty sure I saw the squirrels come up to the window and look in at Jasper and do that move where you hold your hands up by your head, with your thumbs in your ears, wiggle your fingers, stick out your tongue and say, “Nah, nah…nah, nah…naaaah, nah!”

About an hour later, I saw Jasper in the exact same spot watching the squirrels again, but I noticed that, this time, he had a bottle of barbeque sauce sitting next to him.

…Oh yeah, I have a feeling that I know, now, what he would do if he caught one.

P.S.  A little more time went by and I walked past the area again to see that Jasper had moved to a nearby chair so that he could lay in a more relaxed position but still watch the action outside. 

…Yep, life is pretty good for Jasper.

When God Calls Us To Do Something Difficult

There have been people in the Christian faith who have been called to extraordinarily difficult things. We get two very clear messages from scripture that are relevant to this reality: 1) we must do what He calls us to do no matter how difficult it is; and 2) He will go with us.  We will not be alone.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Speaking The Truth Gently and Humbly

The truth is good and right and it should always be upheld.  However, the truth can be delivered like a sledgehammer or it can be delivered with love and grace and gentleness and humility. When speaking the truth it’s helpful to keep this in mind: How would you like this truth to be told to you? “. . . [C]lothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Finally Get Some Rest

Last night when I got home, after officiating at a wedding…and participating in the worship team rehearsal—yep, both in the same evening—I was worn out and I had a headache.

I looked at the clock.  It was 8:45.  Still too early to go to bed.  But I thought, “I don’t care.  I’m going to bed anyhow.”  (See how good I am at high level, executive decision-making?  This is why the Pentagon is constantly calling and asking for my advice.  Sheesh!  I wish those guys weren’t so needy and dependent.)

However, I have had trouble sleeping over the years and that fact, along with the headache, made me think that I should take something for the headache that also helps with sleeping.

I began searching through the cabinet where we keep aspirin, cough medicine, cold & flu medications, canine heartworm pills, etc., and I found a bottle of Advil PM.  Here’s what the bottle says, “Relieves itching caused by ticks, mites, and other insects…” 

Oops, hold it.  That’s not the Advil PM, that’s Jasper’s flea pills.  Sorry.

Okay, here’s what the Advil PM says, “For relief of occasional sleeplessness when associated with minor aches and pains.”  Perfect.  That’s what I needed.

Now, I’m not trying to create a commercial endorsement or anything of that nature—I receive no benefit from writing this—but I have to tell you…that stuff worked!  Man, did it work!  I have officially become a fan of Advil PM.  Well, can you blame me?  It’s pretty typical for me to get up a couple of times every night, due to…well… nevermind… let’s just leave that part alone.  Take my word for it, I usually get up a couple of times every night.  But last night I slept right through the whole night.  It was great!

When I woke up in the morning I felt refreshed.  I felt rested.  It was wonderful.

Nadia said, “Boy, you slept well.”

I said, “Yeah, it feels good.  I don’t normally sleep through the night.”

She said, “By the way, there are a couple of tablets missing from Jasper’s flea pill bottle.  Dan?  Did you hear me?  Dan?  I said, there are a couple of tablets missing from Jasper’s flea pill bottle…..Dan???”

But I couldn’t hear her.  I was out in the back yard burying a bone.

Video: Helping Our Neighbor

Dan tells a story about helping Mr. Fortier.

Click Here For Video


God's Not Lost

“When we lose God, it is not God who is lost.”  ~Author Unknown.  God loves you—and nothing will ever change that fact—and if you’re sincerely looking for Him, you’ll find Him.

Friday, November 12, 2010

You Are Exactly Who Jesus Died For

Sometimes people say to me, “Could God really love someone like me, Dan?  I’ve done a lot of bad things.”  Notice that Romans 5:6 says this, “When we were utterly, helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”  So, the answer to the question is: Yes, God can love you.  In fact, you are exactly who Jesus died for.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Sincere "Thank You" To All Of Our Veterans

My dad was an infantryman in WWII.  His stories from the battlefield have always helped me to realize the hellish nature of war.  Sometimes, while listening to my dad’s experiences, I would try to imagine what it would have been like.  The idea that a group of people are coming in your direction and their primary intent is to kill you and your primary intent is to kill them—you won’t both survive—is more than a little bit frightening, sobering, motivating, strange, and no doubt several other feelings that I could never describe or understand, having never been there.  Have you ever tried to imagine such a thing?

Dad told me some of the ways that the brutal and ugly realities of war would mess with a young man’s mind.  I can understand how the stress and fear, along with the constant life and death stakes could easily “do a number” on a person.  One of the things that always stuck with me was the comment that I heard him say about war on a couple of occasions.  He said this, “there are things that happened that I would never tell people because they just wouldn’t believe it.”

As I think about my dad’s experiences, I am reminded once again, that I can sit here and freely share my thoughts because men and women have paid a price—and are continuing to pay a price—to make these freedoms and other kinds of freedoms possible.  Freedom has a cost.

By the way, even if you disagree with what I’m stating in this post, it’s interesting to think about the fact that your freedom to disagree was also paid for by the people who have protected my freedom to write it.

I do not, for a moment, discount the role of God in the freedoms we enjoy, all good gifts come from Him.  But God has clearly worked through people to allow us to experience the wonderful freedom and liberty that we enjoy.  It’s helpful for us to remember that in the entire history of the world, the freedom that we have in the United States is a rare, unusual, and extraordinary gift.  We are blessed!

So, to ALL OF THE VETERANS who have served to protect our freedoms, I express a heartfelt THANK YOU!!!  What you have done and what you are doing is good and honorable and GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Thank you and God bless our Veterans!

Dan Marler
Veterans Day 2010

Lose Your Life In Order To Find Your Life

There is a relinquishing of our “self” that God calls for.  It is not easy and even the most mature among us have a tendency, sometimes, to fight it.  But, as hard as it is for us to believe, the self must be relinquished in order to experience true life.  “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” [Jesus] Matt.16:25

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pastor's Report 2010

Pastor’s Report

I’ve been reminded again this year of something that brings me great joy and happiness.  I’ve been reminded that this is a very loving church.

I know someone might say, “A pastor’s report ought to express something more substantive than that.”  But, I don’t know.  It seems like that’s a pretty significant thing to say about a church.

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you
love one another." John 13:35, Jesus.

I am reminded of this terrific truth because people who are not regular attenders of the church mention this loving quality to me.  I’ve received several comments like this:  “Dan, it really felt to me like a very loving group of people when I was at your church.”

I am reminded of this truth when I meet with other pastor friends and they tell me stories.  Please understand, I’m not suggesting that their stories reveal that our church is better than other churches or that our church is loving and their churches are not loving.  It’s just that the stories I hear will often, somehow, remind me of the authentic love that is freely expressed here at our church.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  1 John 4:7&8

I was reminded of this truth when my dad passed away earlier this year and your many acts of love toward my family and I gave me great encouragement and support.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”  1 Corinthians 13:1&2

I am reminded of this truth when I see people around our church treat each other with love and graciousness and compassion—particularly when the usual response in a situation might typically be something less than loving.

This report probably sounds like a lot of bragging and I want to be quick to admit that I realize our church is not perfect.  And we don’t always get things right.  And sometimes relational disputes happen that make me sad.  But, the love of God is genuine here and people can tell.  And that is not only a wonderful blessing but, based on the teachings of the Bible, it’s fair to say that it is a substantive thing to report about our church.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  Matthew 22:37-40

I am honored and blessed to be your pastor.  As I look forward to 2011, I look forward to these things:

Obedience to God
            The reading and study of God’s Word
            Listening to God
            Reaching out in love to others
            Sharing my faith with others
            Grace, given and received
            Encouraging others and being encouraged by others
            The proclamation of Truth
            Helping those who are hurting
            Trusting God
            Giving of my time, talents, and treasure to 
                God and His work 
            Loving God and loving others
            Being strengthened in the difficulties
            Serving others in Jesus’ name
            Giving honor to God
            Commitment to the Lord

These are some of the key things that are involved in living our lives for Him.  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  I hope we will faithfully and lovingly do these things, together!  I’d rather do these things with you guys than anyone else.

Love and blessings,


Helping hurting people find and walk with God. – First Church of God

P.S.  I could have written a paragraph about each of the factors mentioned above.   …But aren’t you glad I didn’t?   (It’s called: “Being merciful.”)

Audio Message Titled: "Jesus, The Supreme Creator"

Click Here For Audio


Is It Possible To "Agree To Disagree"?

Sometimes the fighting and disagreements and the apparent lack of understanding among various Christian groups gets a little tiring to me. I understand that real differences of opinion exist regarding substantive issues. However, I’m disappointed with myself when my faith that states: “and the greatest of these is love”, is unable to find ways to “agree to disagree” with respect, humility & grace.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ideas Matter

Ideas are not inconsequential; ideas matter!  “Both Communism and National Socialism (Nazism) had their birth in abstract philosophical systems, discussed by university professors in classrooms and faculty lounges. Both were eventually imposed politically through a coercive state orthodoxy. And both were used by totalitarian regimes to justify the mass murder of their own citizens.” ~Nancy Pearcey

P.S.  I posted this because I know that some people believe the ideas that are debated and written about by “egghead” intellectuals in “ivory tower” universities are a waste of time and they have no impact on real life.  The truth, however, is that—as the examples above indicate—these ideas are ultimately embraced by real people and translated into real systems that GREATLY impact people’s lives.

Monday, November 8, 2010

E-Flash From Dan, November 8, 2010

Dear E-Flash Friends;

I was having a conversation recently…

“Tom and his troops really have a need for certain items,” Grace told me.

Grace is Marine Lieutenant Tom Schueman’s mom.  Tom is a young man from our church who is currently stationed in a dangerous location in Afghanistan.  (That's Tom in the photo above.)

I said, “Grace, if we would make those needs known to the church, I believe people would respond.  I believe they would want to help Tom and the guys who are serving with him.  Would you send us a list of the items that they need?”

Grace said, “Yes, I can do that.”  And she added, ““If we collect some of these items at the church, I will make sure that they are boxed up and sent to Tom and his team.”

I said, “Good.  Let’s do that.”

Grace said, “Alright, I will get a couple of boxes and put them in lobby.”

I thought to myself, “Yes, I’m sure people will respond and fill up a couple of boxes.  I really believe that the folks in the church want to help when genuine needs like this are made known.”

Last Sunday—a week ago—the announcement was made to the church that there is a need.  And a list of items was provided on an insert in the weekly bulletin.  And two boxes were placed in the lobby along with pictures of Tom and some of his guys.

Yesterday, after the 11 o’clock service, I was thrilled to see the two boxes filled to overflowing along with additional bags of the requested items surrounding the floor space next to the boxes.  It’s a great response.  THANK YOU!  Your response is a blessing and it’s an extension of God’s love to those who can really use it.

We will continue to collect goods for a couple more weeks and then we will ship your gifts of help and support and encouragement to these terrific young men and women who are serving us valiantly.  And let’s continue to pray for Tom and for all of the young men and women who are serving us in the military.  We have several others from our church who are serving, as well.  Please include them in your prayers.

By the way, speaking of “serving us valiantly”, Thursday of this week is Veterans Day.  We know that all the good things in our lives are gifts to us from God and we thank Him for that.  However, we also know that God works through people.  We enjoy the incredible freedom and opportunities of our country because people have served—many of them even giving their lives—to make these wonderful gifts possible.  Let’s try to offer a word of gratitude and appreciation to our veterans.

We are very blessed!  I hope we will all have a genuine sense of that truth.

Love and blessings,


Are You Growing In God's Love?

How do you know if you are growing in God’s love?  One way is this: If you find that you are increasingly willing to SERVE those who are, perhaps, not so easy to serve, or those who you would not necessarily be naturally inclined to serve.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We Were Created For Adventure...Not Mundane Living

“Why do certain movies capture our imaginations? It’s because there is something in our human fabric that longs to be transported beyond our mundane living.”~S.J. Hill. God has not made us for “mundane living”.  He created us to experience the fullness of life that is realized in the adventure of truly living for him. Anything less than that leaves us feeling like there’s something that we’re missing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Avoiding Gossip Is A Significant Act Of Love

“Refusing to gossip and trusting God to help us silence as much gossip as we can is one of the most loving things we can do for others.” [James Bryan Smith]  One of the reasons the Bible calls “gossip” sin is because gossip tears down others.  The Christian faith is about loving, encouraging and building up others. So, avoiding gossip—which can be challenging—is a significant act of love toward others.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Video Link: An Elderly Woman Squeezes My Hand

Click Here For Video


The Value of Hard Work

There is dignity and value in working hard and being industrious.  These qualities also indicate something important about the CHARACTER of a person.  “The young [person] of leadership caliber will work while others waste time, study while others snooze, play while others daydream.” ~J.Oswald Sanders.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

God Honoring Relationships

Sometimes a person can view other people as “objects” to “use” for his or her purposes. This is never God’s desire. When we enter into God-honoring relationships with people, we see them as important, valuable, special and unique; and we treat them with dignity and respect.  We understand that everyone we meet is a precious soul for whom Jesus died.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Audio Message: Rescued From the Kingdom of Darkness

Colossians 1:11-14

For Audio Message:   Click Here


Video Link: Rachel Buys A CD And It Works Out Pretty Good

         Click Here For Video


Work On Changing "Me" First

Real, consequential “CHANGE” agents always begin with themselves. “I have spent a lot of my life trying to make things happen and trying to get the people around me to do what they didn’t want to do or didn’t have the character to do. I’ve decided to stop trying to change the world. I’ve even stopped trying to change the church. People seem to get so angry. I have decided to focus on changing me.”~Bill Hull.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Render Unto Caesar...Vote

When Jesus said “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” I believe a reasonable application of that comment to our time and culture would include participation in the voting process. We are invited to participate in this process which has an effect on the leaders who impact important issues having to do with morality, justice, and even the extent of “Caesar’s” role in our lives.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Is Anyone Else Excited About The Green Hornet? Of Course You Are!

Oh boy, I am excited!!!

Seriously, I am.  You know how a little kid gets excited about Christmas?  That’s what I’m talking about, I’m excited like that.  In fact, Nadia has to keep reminding me every few days that Santa is carefully watching to see who’s a good boy or girl because in my excitement I’m liable to do something foolish or rash.

To explain my excitement I have to go back to the time when I was about 8 or 9 years old.  I forget what year it was, but just for the sake of argument, let’s say 1984.  [Stop laughing, you punks!]  A television show called “The Green Hornet” began airing.  It was awesome!!!  And when I say “awesome”, I mean “like really totally completely awesomely awesome”.  The best part of all was Green Hornet’s sidekick, Kato (played by the legendary Bruce Lee).

I can remember sitting mesmerized, while watching this show.  “Who is this guy?” I thought, unable to take my eyes off the screen.  I was stunned, excited, curious, thrilled, fascinated…all at the same time.  Kato was an expert in kung fu.  I didn’t know the word “kung fu” then but I knew that Kato could move with breathtaking speed, grace, and agility as he easily dispatched any bad guy who dared to get in the way of his lightning-fast fists of fury.

In my mind, I had never seen a character in any TV show or movie as impressive as Kato…ever!  At that point in my life—when I was 8 or 9—if you would have sat down with me and engaged in a careful analysis of characters from literature, film, or theater, and asked, “Which character has emotionally moved you in such a way that it has resulted in the most significant impression upon your young psyche?”  I would have stopped fidgeting with the whoopee cushion that I carried around with me and answered, “Well, that’s easy.  It would be Kato.”  Then I would have stuck my gum to the bottom of your chair.

(You’ll be glad to know that I no longer carry a whoopee cushion around with me.  [Chuckling]  Yep, I’ve long outgrown that kind of humor…and moved on to fake vomit and that pack of gum that sets off an exploding cap when you pull a stick out of the package.  It’s a riot, I’m telling you!  And it’s a big hit at minister’s meetings.  Although, it’s curious that I never get invited back to minister’s meetings a second time.  Hm…oh well.)

Kato was absolutely the coolest!!!  Really.  He was.  And if you don’t agree with me then “you’re a big dummy-head.  So there!!!”

And if you’re thinking some kind of witty comeback, then you know what I say to that?  I say: “I know you are, but what am I?”

[Pretty hard to argue with that one, huh?]

Okay, now that we’ve firmly established my maturity level, I can tell you that I’m excited because a Green Hornet movie is coming out in January of 2011!!!!  Yes, you read that sentence properly, a Green Hornet movie!!!!

Stop.  Relax. Take a deep cleansing breath.  And read those words again:  A GREEN HORNET MOVIE IS COMING OUT IN JANUARY OF 2011!!!!

Whoo Hooooo!!!!

You’re all as excited about this as I am, right?  Of course you are, it would be impossible not to be excited about a Green Hornet movie, after all, gee whiz, you’re only human.

Okay, let’s stay calm and remember that overreaction is never helpful.  But let’s make sure we all go out and see the Green Hornet movie.  And let’s hope and pray…I mean, pray really hard…that they found someone really good, someone really cool, someone awesome, someone really exceptional to play Kato.

Made In The Image of God

The Latin phrase “imago Dei” means the “image of God”.  A foundational truth of Christian theology is that human beings—ALL human beings—are made in the image of God. [See Gen.1:26-27]  It is because we are created by Almighty God, in His image, that we have inherent worth and dignity; and we are deserving of respect and love.