Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This "Anthropic Principle" Could Really Work To My Advantage

The conditions of our universe are “just right” for the existence of man. In fact, it appears that the universe has been specially designed to accommodate the existence of human beings. The extent to which our universe is perfectly fine tuned to permit human life is extraordinary. This concept is known as the Anthropic Principle and, frankly, it’s a little bit embarrassing to many scientists and other thinkers who do not like the possibility of “God” sneaking into their nice, neat materialistic world. You see, all this fine-tuning smacks of a “Tuner”.

So, they posit the theory that there are multiple universes—perhaps even an infinite number of universes. With all these extra universes, it becomes more statistically probable that one of them is a life-permitting universe, like ours. It’s important to note that there is no evidence for these multiple universes. However, this theory is the only way they have come up with, so far, to explain the inescapable reality of what looks like “design”. (Remember, design requires a DESIGNER, just like “tuning” requires a “Tuner”.)

I have to admit that I’m a little bit inclined toward this kind of scientific reasoning, myself. Sure. Why wouldn’t I be? Based on this kind of thinking, somewhere out there, in another one of those infinite universes is another me who is brilliant, and good-looking and an absolute joy to be with every moment of the day….oh yeah, and this “me” has never made a mistake of any kind. In fact, I, hereby, defer all future questions regarding any of my ill-advised behaviors to this “other me”. Yeah, you know what? The more I think about it, the more I like this multi-universe theory.

*Photo on bottom right: The more perfect me, in one of those other universes, has flawless willpower and, so, he never caves in to the temptation of a Kit Kat bar. I love this other me, he's so cool.


Mary said...

I would not have a problem with other universes being able to permit human life. We are so microscopic compared to what's out there that I would be surprised if God didn't branch out a little with all the room He has to work. :)

Seriously though, He can do anything, so more life doesn't really prove that there isn't a "designer". Just that He used more of His canvas.

Dan Marler said...

Those who do not want to consider the possibility of a "designer" believe that an infinite number of universes allows more PROBABILITY for a life-permitting universe through random chance in a purely naturalistic universe.

Now, if there truly was an INFINITE number of universes that would change the mathematical odds. But, again, there's no real evidence of these multiple universes. I agree with you, Mary, it still would not disprove the existence of a "designer".