Friday, November 27, 2009

The Renewing Of Our Minds

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Rom.12:2. When our mind is being renewed by God’s Holy Spirit what happens is our minds are increasingly, led, impressed upon, & spoken to, by God. In a sense, our minds are increasingly controlled by God’s Spirit. Key Questions: Are we willing to obey God? Are we willing to surrender to God?


Mary said...

What I've learned about myself is that the closer my relationship to God becomes, the more I realize when I realize I'm doing something against him which makes me feel like I've become a worse person at times, but I know it's just because I realize more clearly what God wants. I pray constantly for Him to help me obey Him. I'm willing, but need His help.

Dan Marler said...

Mary, I think what you're describing is how a person's heart becomes more tender toward God and more sensitive to God, as we grow and mature in the faith. It's a good thing. But like you said, we need his help all along the way.