Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Leave The Results With God, It's A Lot Less Pressure

“Our priority in [sharing the gospel] is not to make the nonbeliever listen to us, but to help the person be ready to listen to God and be taught by him.”--Joe Boot. Hmm, there’s a thought, huh? Help them listen to GOD, not to us. Do we believe that we are responsible for the results of our efforts to bring the good news of Christ to others or do we believe we can trust God? Trusting God takes the pressure off of us.


Mary said...

I'm working with one of my friends who wanted to learn more about God and the first thing I told him was that I knew I wouldn't be able to make him believe. But if that was God's plan, there wasn't much either of us would be able to do about it. :) I love not having to rely on myself in this case!

Dan Marler said...

Mary, that's a mature insight on the matter. I know it probably seems simple--and I guess in a sense it is--but your understanding on this matter is one that many Christians often wrestle with.