Saturday, March 12, 2016

Christianity Is A Positive and Optimistic Faith

Every now and then I encounter someone who expresses the belief that Christianity is a negative religion involving negative thinking and a pessimistic view of reality.

I may hear something to this effect, “It is an ugly religion that seems to self-righteously wag a finger at everyone while speaking of sin, punishment and other negative concepts.”

It is true Christianity acknowledges the existence of sin and it recognizes that people commit sins and this creates a serious problem for us. And it is true in Christianity there is a recognition of problems, troubles, pain and turmoil in our world.

However, I believe Christianity is fundamentally positive, optimistic and hopeful. I believe this to be true because in Christianity there is, in Christ, a solution to the troubles and problems we encounter. I contend it is positive, optimistic and hopeful because in the Christian faith we recognize one of the most important truths of our existence is that God loves us and He provided a way for us to experience the ultimate victory of life forever, with Him!

God loves us in a way that is so complete and profound that it is beyond our comprehension. He has made it possible for us to experience an abundant life, a joyful life and a life of genuine meaning and purpose that, ultimately, never ends.

In my mind, this is describing the truths of an incredibly positive and optimistic faith.

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