Sunday, September 21, 2014

Returning To The Father Who Loves Us

There are people who know, in their hearts, the truth about God but at this point in their lives they are choosing not to walk with God.  In a certain sense they feel torn.  They know what is right.  They know the wise course of life.  But for whatever reason they keep God at a distance and go their way without Him.  My heart is heavy when I think about this.

Their situation is similar to the young man in the story Jesus told—a story known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son.  If you know the story, you know that the Father is constantly scanning the horizon just waiting for the Prodigal Son to come home.  The Father’s love for the Prodigal is always perfect, complete and unwavering.

When the Prodigal finally returns he does not get these kinds of responses:

“What took you so long?!?”

Or… “Well, well, look what the cat drug in.”

Or… “You ought to be ashamed of yourself for pulling all those antics…”

No.  Instead what the Prodigal receives is love and grace...and even excitement at his return.  The Father is thrilled and throws him a party!

Patience. Mercy. Forgiveness. Love. Grace. I find these qualities of the Father to be exquisitely beautiful.

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