Sunday, September 7, 2014

God Doesn't Take Surveys

We are so accustomed to being led based upon votes, surveys, “what’s popular?” and “how will that play on Twitter?” that we actually try to subtly smuggle these concepts into our understanding of who God is. It’s almost amusing, if you think about it. Imagine God being very worried as He looks into the minds of every human being on earth and then basing His actions on what He discovers to be the consensus.

God does not take polls and He is not concerned with whether something is popular or whether it plays well with certain groups. He is God. God does not adjust to votes or surveys because it is completely unnecessary for Him to do so. It’s not that God is bad, mean, or indifferent, in fact, God is good. He is loving. He is perfect. The very concept of what is good and right is based upon who God is.

It is because God knows what is right in every circumstance that He is not taking a vote in order to get on board with public opinion. In fact, the wise course of action is for us, regardless of public opinion, to get on board with God.

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