Thursday, April 21, 2016

Our Facial Expressions Influence Our Feelings

Research has been done which suggests our facial expressions will influence how we actually feel.

This is somewhat counter intuitive because we tend to think feelings come first and then our facial expressions reflect our feelings. For example, if I feel sad then those feelings will result in a sad expression on my face.

This is not totally incorrect but the surprising finding is that it can work the other way, as well. In other words, if I intentionally put a sad expression on my face it will tend to result in sad feelings. Again, what can occur is the facial expression has an influence on the feelings rather than the feelings being reflected in the facial expressions.

“This experiment, and others like it, show that our facial expressions have as much effect on our feelings as our feelings have on our facial expressions.” From the book “Lift” by Prof. Ryan Quinn and Prof. Robert Quinn.

The findings of some of the research which has been done tells us that if we will intentionally put a smile on our faces we will tend to feel happier.

You might say, “Well la dee da, Cheerful Charlie! Guess what? I don’t want to smile and feel happy! Okay, Mr. Ray-Of-Sunshine?!?”

I understand. I’ve had some days like that, too. But keep in mind: much… not ALL... but much of what we experience will be greatly influenced by the choices we make.

Today, I’m going to try to think about smiling a little more often, on purpose. Seriously. I realize I do not have total control over these matters, however, as far as it depends on me—with God’s help—I want to choose to be positive, encouraging, happy and joyful.

1 comment:

Dan Marler said...

Thanks for your encouraging comment, Cindy. Best wishes to you on your blogging, too! ~Dan