Thursday, April 7, 2016

Choosing To See The Activity of God

Very recently God has prompted me to see something helpful—something I needed to see. It has to do with a personal issue I have been struggling with a bit lately.

The way God helped me to grasp what He wanted me to see involved another person.

As I have thought about this activity of God in my life it occurs to me that I could see what happened as a simple coincidence. I could view the interaction in this way: “Hey, it’s one of those crazy arbitrary things that happen. Now lay down and take a nap.” I could understand the timing of the situation to be lucky and interesting but entirely the result of random chance.

But I believe God is real and active and I believe He loves me [and you, too] enough to arrange the affairs of our lives in this way.

I guess what I’m trying to communicate is: We can decide not to see the work of God in our lives if that’s what we choose. Or, we can be willing to see, to recognize and to appreciate.

It is my desire to see.

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