Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Loving Those Who Are Not Easy To Love

There are people with whom we do not naturally connect. In fact, there will be some people in the course of life who will just simply rub us the wrong way. We may not even be able to explain why we feel the way we do, we just recognize that certain people are irritating to us.

The love of God alive in us can help us to love these people.

You might be thinking, “Well, here we go. Dan is really losing it, again.” And I will grant this is not easy. This love of God for those who are not easy to love involves a level of maturity and wisdom that—I regret to admit—some Christians never attain on this side of eternity. (Wisdom does not come automatically with age and it is not inevitable. Unfortunately, it is possible for a person to grow old but never become wise.)

This kind of love which goes beyond our natural inclinations will also involve a work of the Holy Spirit in us. We don’t muster this up through our will power. In the book of 1 John 4:19, we find these words: “We love because he [God] first loved us.” God is the initiator of love, He is the source of real love.

When God’s love is alive in us, however, then the love of God can be experienced and expressed through us, even for those who would not be easy for us to love under natural circumstances.

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