Friday, February 14, 2014

Nadia's Valentine Present

“What can I get Nadia for Valentine’s Day?”

That’s the thought that kept going through my mind the past couple of days.  It seems like everything I thought of fell into the category of:  “You’ve-already-gotten-that-before.”

Okay, I can get her another lovely set of Ginsu knives, sure, but as romantic and fun as Ginsu knives are they still left me thinking: is it possible there’s something more interesting?  Something that might be more surprising?

Well, on an impulse I pulled into a couple of different pet stores.  That can be a dangerous thing to do.

And as you have probably guessed by now, the little beagle puppy in the photo is Lucy.  She is Nadia’s Valentine’s Day present and the newest member of our family.

She definitely qualifies as “something more interesting” and “more surprising” than any other Valentine’s Day gift I’ve purchased.  Fortunately, Nadia loves dogs (I knew that in advance) and she’s already falling in love with Lucy.

…Don’t ask me what I’m going to do for Nadia’s birthday.  But I’m glad she doesn’t really like boa constrictors.

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