Monday, December 9, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies And It's Not Cheat Day!

I have read that even in a very disciplined lifetime eating plan there is room for a weekly “cheat day.”  (Frankly, I want to believe that’s true, even if it isn’t.)  So, I observe the age old—professional trainer-approved—cheat day tradition.  My cheat day is Sunday. 

Having made that point, it is currently Monday night and Nadia is making homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Yes, you read that properly: Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies! 

On Monday! 

My friends, it is obvious to me and I suspect it is to you, as well, that I am currently being tested by powerful forces.  Weight gain forces lurking in the shadows of our home.  Forces that are bent on making me weigh somewhere between 375 and 400 pounds.

Will I be able to resist this temptation?  It’s a very good question, isn’t it?

I’ve read that I should distract myself in these types of situations with a full glass of water and some celery.

…I think it’s going to take more than that.

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