Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gratitude, Happiness and Thanksgiving

Dear E-Flash Friends;

What makes people happy? 
In recent years there has actually been a good bit of research—serious academic research—in the area of happiness.  When people are happy, what is that?
What has been discovered is that when people are happy one of the significant factors is gratitude.  Happy people tend to be people who experience genuine thankfulness.  You might say, to quote a Christian concept that I learned as a kid, they are people who “count their blessings.”
In fact, psychologists who try to help people based on this research sometimes recommend that the people keep a thankfulness journal where they are encouraged to take a few moments at the end of the day to write down things they are thankful for.
Today, we celebrate a holiday in which the focus is Thankfulness.  (And for some of us there is considerable focus, as well, on pumpkin pie.  But let’s put that aside for the moment.)
Are you aware of the blessings in your life?  Do you think about your blessings?  Do you have a real appreciation for the good things that God has given you? 
Real thankfulness will probably bring a little more happiness to our lives.  That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
I'm hoping that you all have a Happy (genuinely thankful) Thanksgiving! 

Remember that God loves you and that will never change.
May you experience God’s rich blessings!



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