Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dallas Willard - A "Friend" And "Mentor"

A friend of mind died today.  Well, actually, Dallas Willard didn't know we were friends since we've never met. But through his books and lectures Dallas Willard was a friend and mentor to me in my journey with Christ. 

I first became acquainted with Dr. Willard's writings through his book, “Spirit of the Disciplines.” But his books that impacted me the most were “The Divine Conspiracy” and “Knowing Christ Today.”

Dr. Willard’s thinking and teaching on discipleship, life in God’s kingdom, and the nature of spiritual knowledge have been very helpful to me and have provided guidance and great insight as I have grown in my relationship with Christ.

Dallas Willard was a professor of philosophy as well as a Christian pastor and theologian.  God gave him an interesting and unique perspective which involved a rigorous, penetrating intellect as well as a serious, committed spiritual life.  I am richer because of his giftedness and his obedience to God.

I would greet the release of every new Dallas Willard book with enthusiasm and expectancy.  I’m sad that he will not be writing any more books.  I know that I will see my friend again, someday, but for now, I will surely miss him.

Dan Marler
Oak Lawn, IL

Dallas Willard Quotes:

"If you could find a better way, Jesus would be the first one to tell you to take it. And if you don't believe that about him, you don't have faith in him, because what you're really saying is that he would encourage you to believe something that is false."

“If my pride is untouched when I pray for forgiveness, I have not prayed for forgiveness.  I don’t even understand it.”  The Divine Conspiracy

“…I am learning from Jesus to live my life as he would live my life if he were I.  I am not necessarily learning to do everything he did, but I am learning how to do everything I do in the manner that he did all that he did.”  The Divine Conspiracy

“It is now understood to be a part of the ‘good news’ that one does not have to be a life student of Jesus in order to be a Christian and receive forgiveness of sins.  This gives a precise meaning to the phrase ‘cheap grace,’ though it would be better described as ‘costly faithlessness.’”  The Divine Conspiracy

“…To enable people to become disciples we must change whatever it is in their actual belief system that bars confidence in Jesus as Master of the Universe.”  The Divine Conspiracy

“We often speak of people not living up to their faith.  But the cases in which we say this are not really cases of people behaving otherwise than they believe.  They are cases in which genuine beliefs are made obvious by what people do.  We always live up to our beliefs—or down to them, as the case may be.  Nothing else is possible.  It is the nature of belief.”  The Divine Conspiracy

“An understanding of ordinary logic is no longer a required part of university degree programs, as was almost universally the case sixty years ago.  Now, as a result, our world if full of uneducated people with higher degrees.  They have no independent logical judgment and simply conform to what their circle takes to be the ‘best professional opinion.’”  Knowing Christ Today

“God has room for people with very little sense, but He wants everyone to use what sense they have.”  Knowing Christ Today

“The central teachings of the Christian religion, such as those of the Apostles’ Creed, were from the beginning presented and accepted as knowledge—knowledge of what is real and what is right.  That is why they had the transforming effect they did on a world dead set against them.”  Knowing Christ Today

“We can never understand the life of faith seen in scripture and in serious Christian living unless we drop the idea of faith as a ‘blind leap’ and understand that faith is commitment to action, often beyond our natural abilities, based upon knowledge of God and God’s ways.”  Knowing Christ Today

“To know Christ in the modern world is to know him in your world now.  To know him in your world now is to live interactively with him right where you are in your daily activities.  This is the spiritual life in Christ.”  Knowing Christ Today

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