Thursday, July 14, 2011

E-Flash From Dan, Summer 2011

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Jesus had this compelling way of putting an interesting and surprising twist on a story.  In one of Jesus’ parables, a religious leader who keeps the law with great discipline and devotion does not wind up being the hero. 

You say, “Huh…?”

And in the same story (from Luke chapter 18) the no-good tax collector—rotten scoundrel that he is—does not wind up being the bad guy. 

You say, “Hold on!  What is the point of this tale?”

Well, the story offers us some helpful and important insights into pride, humility and forgiveness.  And if you want to find out more—I hope you do because it’s cool—then plan on being here this Sunday!  (By the way, there are extra credit points with God when you go to church in July before going to the beach.  You knew about that, right?)

I’m excited to be back from my break.  I had a wonderful opportunity to study and read and do some writing.  And I also had time to swim, pet a manatee, do some snorkeling, and make underwater videos!

(I tried to combine some of the activities that I mentioned in the paragraph above, but I found out that manatees really aren’t interested in hearing me read to them.  ….And the pages of the book get really wet when you try.)

But I’m ready to be back and I’m privileged to be able to teach from this great passage in Luke chapter 18, as well as lead us in Communion, this Sunday, July 17th (let’s remember to prepare our hearts for the Lord’s table).  I’m looking forward to seeing you all and worshipping with the church I love!

Hope to see you this Sunday!!!

Love and blessings,


P.S.  As always, MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY thanks to Chris Donnelly for preaching while I was gone.  …Did I mention A LOT of thanks to Chris?  Okay, I just want to be sure.  What a blessing it is to have such a wonderfully gifted, passionate and willing teacher in our church.  Praise God!

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