Thursday, September 24, 2015

Facebook Is Down

Rachel frantically yelled, “Dad, something is wrong with Facebook.”

I attempted to log on and sure enough Facebook appeared to be down. So, I thought, “I’ll check Twitter.”

One of the top trending hashtags on Twitter was #FacebookDown.

Rachel called out from the other room, “What am I supposed to do without Facebook?”

I thought to myself, “That’s an excellent question. Without Facebook it might just be that life as we know it will devolve into a meaningless attempt to carry on without posting our thoughts or pictures. It will be a sad and joyless existence something like the pitiful lives of people in ancient times like the 80s and 90s.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Who could have ever guessed it would come to this?

Then I heard a shout, basically a shout for joy, come from the other room.

“Is Facebook back up?” I asked.

“Yes,” came Rachel’s reply.

A terrible crisis has been averted. We carry on with a whole new appreciation for life.

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