Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I'm Grateful For Those Who Fought To Bring Us Freedom

I do not like war. I desire peace. I sincerely wish everyone would get along and love each other. I’m serious. Many people feel this way, in fact, I think it’s possible that the majority of people in the world feel this way.

Unfortunately, there really are people in this world who have a desire for power and control over others which prevents peace, freedom and harmony. It’s a strange and sad reality that there are people who want to stir up friction, hatred and trouble. I know this is an unpopular idea, however, I’ll go ahead and write it anyhow: There are people who are evil.

So even though I, like most people, want peace I am tremendously thankful for the countless men and women who have gone before me—people like my father—along with those who currently serve to protect freedom and oppose tyranny. I am reminded again of the fact that there are people who have fought and died to make it possible for me to sit here today and comfortably write a post like this in which I am allowed to express my opinion. In order for us to have freedom, the fighting was necessary. I know this is sad and I wish it wasn’t true. But it is. In other words, the nature of our world is such that real freedom usually costs something.

It is right for us to be grateful for those who have done the fighting on our behalf. I admire their willingness to do something extraordinarily dangerous and difficult for the good of others. What they have done and what they continue to do is a big deal!

And by the way, if you disagree with what I’ve written—this has been known to happen, on occasion—please know I am thankful you have the freedom to do so.

P.S.  …But remember, people fought to give you the freedom to disagree.

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