Friday, November 14, 2014

Faith Does Not Exclude Reason And Reason Does Not Exclude Faith

There are people who vigorously attempt to promote the idea that faith and reason are mutually exclusive or inherently at odds with each other.  This is not true. 

An act of faith does not have to exclude reason.  In fact, everyone exercises faith in the course of life--even people who have no religious belief or affiliation.  We simply cannot have a complete knowledge of everything and, therefore, we all must move through life exercising some measure of faith. 

For example, driving over a bridge is an act of faith.  Sure, it is a reasonable act of faith.  But in the history of the world, bridges have collapsed.  When you and I drive across a bridge we do not first obtain structural reports and conduct safety tests.  We just drive, believing the bridge was designed and constructed in a safe and responsible way.  That is an act of faith on our part.

Faith does not exclude reason and reason does not exclude faith.  They are both aspects of the full experience of life.

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