Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Woman Who Was Flustered

I was waiting for Rachel, standing outside the restrooms at Walmart. A woman approached me and she had something in her hand.

She said, "What do you do on Sunday mornings?" And as she was asking me the question she extended a couple of pamphlets to me. The pamphlets explained Christian teaching on a couple of topics and they functioned as invitations to the church she attends.

I smiled and said, "Well, I'm tied up on Sunday mornings because I'm a pastor of a church."

It was fairly obvious she wasn't expecting that response. She stammered and smiled and looked like she was about to say something then changed her mind. After some verbal stumbling she finally said, "Well, you can go ahead and come on by anyhow."

I realized she knew that was a silly response on her part. She was flustered because she hadn't been given any training on what to say in the event that the recipient of the pamphlets turns out to be a minister.

I said, "I think my congregation would be a little confused if I told them I was going to possibly start attending another church on Sunday mornings."

We both laughed.

I said, "Do you want your pamphlets back?"

She said, "No, you can...um... well... why don't you... or... that is... you can hang on to them... um... in case you change your mind."

As she walked away I waved and thought, "She's still flustered."

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