Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rachel Catches The Bouquet

Nadia and I were standing by the photo booth at Ben and Sam’s wedding reception when I heard cheers, laughter and applause coming from the dance floor.

I turned around in time to see a group of young women surrounding Rachel.

Someone said to me, “Rachel caught the bouquet!”

Rachel had a huge smile on her face.  She was overjoyed.

For the rest of the evening wherever Rachel went, the bouquet went with her.  She never let it out of her grip.

On the drive home I said to her, “You know, Rachel, the tradition is that whoever catches the bride’s bouquet is the next person to get married.”

She said, “Are you kidding, dad?”

I said, “No, that’s the tradition.  Are you going to be getting married soon?”

She said, “Gross!”

Rachel slept with the bouquet right by her bed.

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