Tuesday, June 10, 2014

"Hey, Pal! Wake Up!!!"

This morning as I was waking up, music was playing in my ears and I had the sensation of poking on my shoulder.  When I gradually came to consciousness I realized the music I was hearing could be attributed to the headphones I was wearing as my iPod was playing.

Increased consciousness also helped me realize it was not morning and I was not waking up in my bed.  Rather, it was afternoon and I was in the waiting area of an automotive oil change garage.

The poking sensation, however, turned out to be actual poking.  The customer in the chair next to mine was trying to let me know that the cashier was indicating my car was ready to go.

Technically speaking it is not wrong to fall asleep in a waiting area, but it’s still embarrassing if there is any drool involved or if your snoring is louder than the pneumatic tools in the work area.

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