Friday, May 30, 2014

The Power of Music

There is a strange thing that can happen when I listen to music.  This doesn’t happen every time I hear a song but, occasionally, when I’m listening to a particular song I can be emotionally moved at such a deep level that tears, literally, come to my eyes.  It doesn’t have to be a sad song or a slow song, this has happened when I’ve listened to songs with a fast tempo.

But this can happen from just the simple act of listening to a song.  Strange, huh?

Perhaps what I’m writing about is only something that musicians experience, I honestly don’t know, but I doubt it.  I suspect you don’t necessarily have to be a musician to be moved in this way.

The powerful emotional experience I’m writing about happened to me today when I was listening to a song titled, “Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers” played by Jeff Beck.  Jeff plays the guitar with such expressiveness it almost sounds human.  At times his guitar sounds like it is crying, other times it almost seems to be screaming.  It is an instrumental piece and I know some people don’t like instrumental music but this song just feels like musical perfection to me.  [Click here to listen to song.]

If you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “What in the world is this guy talking about?”  I understand.  What I’m trying to communicate is not something that can be adequately explained in words.  Sorry for taking up your time.

But there may be a few folks who read this and say, “Yep, I know what you’re saying, brother!”  If that’s the case, I wrote this for you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Accepting That Life Is Hard In Order To Make Life Easier

Life is hard.  I’m not trying to be a downer, I’m just acknowledging something true.  We live in a fallen world and that means things will be difficult.  However, it’s helpful to know that when we accept the reality that “life is hard” it actually becomes a little bit easier.  Here’s what I mean: When we accept the reality that life is hard, our expectations adjust accordingly.  We know ahead of time that we will run into some obstacles and that understanding helps us cope with the obstacles a little better.

When we know that we are not alone, that makes the struggles of life more tolerable, as well.  So, remember, you are not alone.  “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me...” Psalm 23:4

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Work To The Best Of Your Ability, Don't Worry About Comparing Yourself To Others

Here’s a great challenge for all of us:  Let’s not worry about others and what they’re doing.  Let’s not get caught up in comparing ourselves with others.  Instead, let’s do what we’re called to do and genuinely strive to do it well—to the best of our ability.  This is an important part of healthy, responsible living.

“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.  For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” Galatians 6:4-5.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Persuasive Invitation To Church This Sunday

                                        Click here for video!

Respecting Those Who Came Before Us

There are people who have gone ahead of us who were faithful.  They weren’t perfect, but they persevered.  They worked, they built, they prayed, they lived responsibly, they did what was right, they tried to be obedient to God.  It is not right or necessary for us to idolize these people—again they were flawed and human—but it is right for us to thank them, to acknowledge their efforts and to honor them.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

His Mercies Are New Each Day -- Audio Podcast

Lamentations 3:22-24

                           Click here for audio podcast!

There Is Always A Way Forward

It can be helpful and encouraging to know that just about any problem, obstacle or setback that we encounter has been faced by others. We're not the first ones. There is a way forward that others have taken before us. And God will go with us.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Turtle Trying To Cross Harlem Avenue

I was driving northbound on Harlem Avenue and there was some type of snarl in the traffic as I came to the intersection of Harlem and 143rd street.

I thought, “Oh brother, what’s going on, now?”

I discovered that a large turtle was crossing Harlem Avenue.

I would love to know why that turtle thought he needed to get to other side of that busy road.  Did he have some kind of urgent business on the west side of Harlem Avenue that needed his attention?

You already know this, but I’ll mention it anyhow:  Turtles are slow.  At this section of Harlem Avenue the speed limit is (I think) 50 mph.  When there are lots of cars going 50 mph and a slow turtle sharing the same road, that does not make for a good situation… particularly for the turtle.

The traffic was halted—in part for the turtle and in part because the traffic light was red.  I thought, “I don’t think this turtle is going to make it across.”

But even as I was pondering the situation, a young man jumped from his car (I mean that he jumped out of his stopped car, but you knew that, right?) and picked the turtle up off the road.  This was not as easy as it sounds because the turtle clearly did not want to be picked up. 

Hey, a turtle can get feisty if he has to!

But the young fellow managed to pick him up anyhow and he took the turtle off to the tall grass near the forest area by the side of the road.  The turtle was probably mad but I think the young guy saved his life.

I know when I started writing this there was some kind of moral to the story I was going to explain but I can’t think of any wise lesson, now.

Oh, wait a minute, here’s a moral for any turtles who may be reading the Internet:  There’s nothing on the other side of Harlem Avenue that you need to risk your life getting.

We Are More Likely To Get Mercy When We Are Humble

Most of us have times in life in which we disappoint ourselves and others. When this happens, genuine humility and remorse provide a context in which people will be more inclined to offer us mercy and forgiveness.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Try Something New

Most people have a preference for the status quo. We tend to like that with which we are familiar. This means that we can be resistant to change. Often, though, new learning and growth are found in new experiences. So let's not be afraid to bust loose and try something new. God may be getting ready to teach us something we never knew before.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Personal God

When God reveals Himself to us we are not learning a theological doctrine.

We are meeting a person.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hulk Angry. Hulk No Like Tire Problems

I’ve recently had a tire on my car repaired.  In fact, I’ve had this same tire on my car “repaired” four times by two different auto tire repair services.  But every time they give the car back declaring the tire to be “fixed” we find that it is still not fixed.

The most recent time the tire was fixed was about five days ago.  This time it was repaired at a shop that was recommended to me in this way:  “These guys are good.  They know how to do it right.  They can fix it and it will really be fixed.  Don’t mess around with other shops.  Take it to these guys.  They are like the Shaolin Monks of tire repair!”

(Okay, I made up the “Shaolin Monks” line.  But the other part is what I was told.)

So, when I was driving this morning and discovered the tire is still not properly repaired I noticed that I began to tremble and an intense feeling of distress and anger began to come over me.  Before I knew it—and in a manner that was beyond my control—I grew to a tremendous size and strength, ripping the clothes from my body as my muscles bulged.  And I noticed that my eyes and my skin turned green.

Me angry!

Me no like continued tire problems!

Me want to crush puny repair shop people!

Me need to count to 10 while taking deep breaths!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Story of A Wisconsin Farm Girl And Her Influence - Happy Mother's Day 2014

A farm girl from Wisconsin moved to Chicago and met a farm boy from Mississippi.  They fell in love, got married and had three children.  (That ended up working out pretty well for me.  And hey, most people would agree that two out of three normal kids ain’t bad.)

This girl from Wisconsin had a love and devotion to Jesus that was authentic.  And the influence of her genuine faith is one of the reasons why I’m a follower of Jesus today.

She’s gone now, but she is forever in my heart.  And, of course, Alice Marler is always on my mind on Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Be Cautious About The Influence Of Others

When we hang around with people who are living in negative and unhealthy ways because we want to be a positive influence on their lives, that can be a very good, helpful and noble action.  However, this requires a measure of caution as well as maturity, strength and wisdom.  Because sometimes this can backfire and the people who are living in negative and unhealthy ways actually end up being the stronger influence.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Your Mother's Day 2014 Invitation!

                                          Click here for video!

                                          Click here for video!

Another Duck Wrangling Season Wraps Up Nicely

Well, the duck wrangling has been taken care of for another season.

Ann was able to lead most of the little ducklings out with their mother earlier this morning.   The mother duck took a wrong turn on her way from the church courtyard out into the back parking lot and she ended up heading for the sanctuary.  (We’re fairly convinced the mother duck is a follower of Jesus and was going to stop off for a brief time of worship and prayer.)

But Ann helped them get directed the right way and they found their way out.

However, three little ducks didn’t get out on that first try.  So a little later, Ann and Nadia went back in and gathered up the three remaining ducks.  (You can see them in the picture.)

Don’t worry.  The three who did not get out with the rest of the duck family will be well cared for.  They are frolicking and playing in my backyard even as you read these words, where they are being carefully watched by our doggies, Jasper and Lucy.

We have found that dogs and little baby ducklings get along beautifully.

…Come on, I’m just kidding.  You knew that, right?

The three little ones have been taken to a farm where other ducks live.

Everyone is happy.  Except the hawk that has been flying around over the church.  He’s stomping his foot (yes, they can do that in mid-air) and saying, “Hey, what is this?!?  I’ve gotta’ eat, too, you know!”

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Feisty Senior Gives Me A Zinger

A few moments ago, I held the door open for a sweet-looking elderly woman and secretly I thought, "This meek little lady probably appreciates a nice gesture like this."

As she walked past me into the establishment, she pointed to my shoulder bag and said, "Your purse goes nicely with your outfit." And she followed up her zinger with a very self-satisfied chuckle.

I tried to quickly come up with a good retort, but I had nothing. All I could do was laugh and say, "Yep, I guess it does match." I wasn't expecting her to give me a zinger.

Hmm, file this one under: #FeistySeniors.

P.S. It's not a purse it’s a shoulder bag!

Start By Telling God The Truth

God can always handle the truth.  So, whatever the truth is, it is always best to acknowledge it and begin there in our time with God.  If the truth is unpleasant and change is hoped for, understand that substantive change will only happen when we begin with the truth of how things are.

Humming A Song In The Locker Room

I was in the men's locker room at the health club and I wasn't paying attention. I wasn't thinking carefully. So I made a mistake.

I was listening to my ipod, wearing headphones, and I got caught up in humming along to a song loud enough for others to hear. Actually, at the time I didn't think anyone else was in the locker room. But I turned my head at one point and sure enough there was a guy behind me.

We briefly made eye contact.

He didn't say anything and, of course, neither did I. But I know he had to hear me humming along to the song.

This is a serious error. A guy in a men's locker room is not supposed to be humming to music. It's a violation of a guy protocol. And my error was particularly inexcusable because the song I was humming along with is a syrupy love song from the 70s about a horse. The title of the song is "Wildfire."

(I know. I know.... I'm turning red right now even as I write these words.)

If this was the mid 70's and I was back in the old high school locker room I could have been beaten up for such an infraction.

Well, now I probably won't be able to show my face around the place for a week, or so. I hope we start to get some warmer weather so I can, at least, walk outside.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Jasper And Lucy And The Water Bowl

Tonight, whenever I would fill up Lucy’s water bowl, Jasper would immediately lap up all the water out of it.  Jasper has his own water bowl which is full of water, but he drank Lucy’s water, instead.

And it really seemed to me that he took great pleasure in doing so.  (There’s a slight possibility that he was chuckling as he did it.)

You might think I’m being silly and this is completely innocent on Jasper’s part because, after all, dogs couldn’t possibly think in such a conscious manner.  But as we are observing Jasper and Lucy working out their new relationship we are noticing, what appear to be, some very human tendencies, including a little bit of jealous rivalry.

Fortunately, Lucy does not have her license, yet, so we are not getting into a lot of arguments over the fact that Jasper always gets to take the car.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

With God, The Possibilities Are Immeasurable

In the book of Ephesians chapter 3, vs. 20, we find a doxology—which is a prayer of praise to God.  In the doxology God is exalted as one “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.”

This is an exciting, inspiring, motivating and encouraging truth.  Isn’t it? 

I like to think I have a pretty healthy imagination.  But this passage reminds me that God can do more than I could ever imagine.  And it’s not just that He can do things that are beyond my imagination, it’s that what He can do—that is beyond what I ask or imagine—is so vast that it’s not even measurable!

It expands the mind and opens us up to remarkable possibilities if we take some time to ponder this outstanding truth.

We will be worshiping this amazing God today.  No kidding.  Right here in Oak Lawn.  And you are welcome to join us! 

(To my friends on the west coast, you better start driving now if you want to get here on time.)

Friday, May 2, 2014

A Minute And A Half of God Stuff Podcast - No. 37

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

                                  Click here for podcast!

The Power of Authenticity

One of the factors that can have the most significant positive influence for God is when our unbelieving friends, relatives, co-workers and neighbors see in our lives that God is real.  When a person has an authentic relationship with God—a relationship with God that genuinely impacts his or her everyday life—that is a very persuasive truth to encounter.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

New Beginnings: Born Again -- Audio Podcast

John 3:3-7

                         Click here for podcast!

Is It Possible That Fear Isn't Always Such A Bad Thing, After All?

Fear can be troublesome.  Fear can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of life.  Fear can dominate a person’s life in very unhealthy ways.  I have spent more time than I would like to admit experiencing unhealthy fear.  It was not a good thing for me and I don’t like it.

It would not be good for a person to live in continual fear.

However, it’s helpful for us to remember that fear can have a useful purpose in life, too.  Fear is part of the natural alert system that is wired into us.  The emotion of fear exists for a reason.  There are times in life when it is reasonable, natural and even helpful to experience fear because there is something that demands the kind of focus that only fear brings.

Occasionally people have told me they don’t want to turn to God purely out of fear.  I understand that comment and I would be quick to point out that there are many valid reasons to turn to God that are not motivated by fear—His unfailing love for us would be a great example.  No one will ever love us more than God loves us.  That’s a very good reason to turn to God and walk with Him.

We would be wise not to underestimate the usefulness of fear.  Fear can, sometimes, help us identify what we really understand to be true.  Fear, in the right context, can help bring tremendous clarity regarding what we genuinely believe.

There are 16 instances of Jesus saying, “don’t be afraid” in the gospels.  The God who loves us does not want us to experience needless fear.  (I feel compelled, for the sake of clarity, to write again, that fear is often unhealthy and unhelpful.  It is not good for a person to live in continual fear.  A life of perpetual fear is not God’s desire for anyone.)

But Jesus also mentioned an example of a healthy fear that we should have.  He put it this way, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”  Matthew 10:28

We live in a culture which has influenced us to believe that anything that makes us feel bad or uncomfortable is morally suspect.  So fear is almost never considered to be a good or helpful emotion.  I’m suggesting it is important for us to recognize the value of fear and respect the truths that fear can reveal.

There are some things we ought to be afraid of.  If you are in the woods and a bear is running toward you at full speed and you feel absolutely no fear at all, you are not brave or courageous, you are a fool. 

In the right time, place and context fear may not be such a bad thing, after all.