Friday, May 30, 2014

The Power of Music

There is a strange thing that can happen when I listen to music.  This doesn’t happen every time I hear a song but, occasionally, when I’m listening to a particular song I can be emotionally moved at such a deep level that tears, literally, come to my eyes.  It doesn’t have to be a sad song or a slow song, this has happened when I’ve listened to songs with a fast tempo.

But this can happen from just the simple act of listening to a song.  Strange, huh?

Perhaps what I’m writing about is only something that musicians experience, I honestly don’t know, but I doubt it.  I suspect you don’t necessarily have to be a musician to be moved in this way.

The powerful emotional experience I’m writing about happened to me today when I was listening to a song titled, “Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers” played by Jeff Beck.  Jeff plays the guitar with such expressiveness it almost sounds human.  At times his guitar sounds like it is crying, other times it almost seems to be screaming.  It is an instrumental piece and I know some people don’t like instrumental music but this song just feels like musical perfection to me.  [Click here to listen to song.]

If you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “What in the world is this guy talking about?”  I understand.  What I’m trying to communicate is not something that can be adequately explained in words.  Sorry for taking up your time.

But there may be a few folks who read this and say, “Yep, I know what you’re saying, brother!”  If that’s the case, I wrote this for you.

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