Monday, January 7, 2013

Is Christianity For Those Who Are Weak?

There is an impression among some people that living for Christ is the refuge of weak people who can’t make it on their own and need a crutch in order to get along adequately in life.  In a certain sense I understand how this impression could exist because the authentic follower of Christ will admit that he/she is dependent upon God for help, strength, understanding, forgiveness—in fact, dependent for all of life.  So a lack of adequate strength, on our own, is a reality that an honest Christian will admit.

However, two things should be considered:

1) Everyone is weak and dependent in some way and in some context in the course of life.  This is an inescapable fact and the person who is unwilling to admit it does not have the courage to face the facts honestly and admit the truth to himself/herself.  In other words, the person who accuses the Christian of needing a crutch has a crutch of some type, as well.  I wonder if the person can face that reality.

2) Authentically living the Christian life actually requires great strength and courage.  In fact, it requires more strength than any person possesses without God’s help.  For example, it requires incredible strength and courage to always speak the truth and to do so humbly and lovingly. 

It requires incredible strength and courage to say “no” to temptations that a part of you would love to indulge.

It requires incredible strength and courage to honestly and sincerely pray for those who wish you harm.

It requires incredible strength and courage to go against the consensus of a mocking culture.

It requires incredible strength and courage to pursue a mission to which God has called us—think of biblical examples like Noah, Moses, Gideon, Daniel, Jonah, Paul, etc.  In more modern times, think of Mother Teresa, Jim Elliot or Martin Luther King, Jr.

(*If you don’t know who Jim Elliot is, look him up on Google.)

It requires incredible strength and courage to give of yourself generously and graciously to others—in fact, to others who can never repay you; or to others who may not even appreciate what you have done for them.

I could go on, but you get the point.  It is unfair and, frankly, dishonest to laugh at Christians and call them weak.  The kind of life that Jesus lived is the kind of life to which Jesus calls His followers and it is a life of courage, honor, truth, trust, generosity, faith, obedience to God and love.  It is many things, but it is not weak.

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