Monday, April 30, 2012

You Reap What You Sow -- Video

Conforming To Jesus Rather Than Expecting Jesus To Conform To Us

Most of us have a subtle—or sometimes not-so-subtle—tendency to recreate Jesus in our own image.  In other words, an image that affirms our beliefs, desires, political bent, and pet theological positions.  The goal of the authentic follower of Jesus, however, is to conform to Jesus and not flatter ourselves with notions of Jesus conforming to us.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Developing Wisdom

When we utilize all of our learning and experiences to live—in practical ways—more effectively, we are developing wisdom.

We Need God

One of the obstacles to salvation for some people is the position they hold that says, “I’m okay. I don’t need God. Everything is pretty good for me, just the way it is.” When we admit the truth—that we do need God—we’re actually liberated! We’re liberated from trying to be our own Savior, which we can’t do anyhow. And then the conditions are right for us to look to the real true Savior.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ring Bearer: "What Fun Stuff?"

While delivering remarks at a wedding tonight, I said, “In just a minute, here, we’re going to get to the fun stuff.”  I was referring to the wedding vows.

The little Ring Bearer who was standing with the groomsmen in the front of the congregation suddenly snapped to attention.  And with some excitement he said—in a voice that everyone could hear, “What fun stuff!?!”

The congregation erupted in laughter.

It was the genuine curiosity in his voice that helped make this moment amusing.  I had been droning on with talk about unity; and thoughts about Genesis chapter 2; and how, in God’s eyes, the groom and bride are “one flesh.”  We can all understand that this information—though quite fascinating to me—wouldn’t have been very interesting for a little boy, right? 

And then in the midst of all this dry talk he heard the phrase, “fun stuff.”  Who can blame him for zeroing in on it?

When he stood up straight and looked around asking, “What fun stuff?”  You could tell that he was honestly curious and he was honestly hoping that something fun was actually going to happen.

Unfortunately, when we did finally get to the vows I suspect they still weren’t quite as fun as he was hoping they would be.  (After all, wedding vows rarely involve something really fun like, oh, let’s say… laser tag.)

But I should note that the bride and groom seemed to like them!

God's Ways Are Higher Than Our Ways

As mankind progresses and science & technology continue to make astonishing advances, one of the things that the wise person notices is that there is more and more that we do not know and have not grasped. It makes me think of this verse:  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” [God] Isaiah 55:9

Friday, April 27, 2012

There's A Time To Wait And A Time To Act

There’s a time to pray and wait and ponder.  And then there’s a time to act.  Sometimes it’s not so easy to know which time is the right one.  But consider this: if we want to engage life fully, we have to be willing to take the risk of action.  “If you act, you won’t spend the rest of your life going, ‘I wonder what would have happened if…’” Kiefer, Schlesinger & Brown

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let Me Tell You About Lyle Nielsen

Lyle Nielsen is my sister-in-law Candi’s father.

Lyle is a wonderful Christian man.  If you knew him you would have liked him.  Really.  I’m not just saying that.

Lyle has a family who are some of the most terrific, loving, fun, thoughtful, outstanding people I’ve ever known.  This is due to many factors, no doubt, but it’s primarily due to the work of God in their lives.

One of the main reasons that they know God is because of Lyle’s love of God and his life of faithful, committed service to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Lyle’s life has been a steady, consistent and beautiful example of the abundant life of which Jesus spoke.

Lyle has been a paraplegic—as the result of an automobile accident—for the last 32 years of his life.  I find it to be an interesting and inspiring testimony to the character of this man to know that Lyle did not whine, complain or shake the fist of an angry victim at God because of this life-altering disability.

Lyle did this instead:  He lived.

He laughed.

He told stories.

He loved his wife.

He sang.

He danced at his grandchildren’s weddings.  (He did.  I saw it.)

He spoke words of love, hope and encouragement to his children.

He served God.

He served others.

He gave loving, Godly, wise advice to fortunate people like me.

He worshiped God with his heart, soul, mind and strength.

Today Lyle died.

But he didn’t really die in the most ultimate sense of that word because those who die knowing Jesus have this promise from Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live…” John 11:25

That is an incredibly important promise.  Wouldn’t you agree?

Lyle’s family loves him very much.  He will be dearly missed.  They will grieve his passing.

But because of Jesus, those of us who love Lyle will also rejoice.  Yes, there will be tears on our cheeks but we rejoice to know that Lyle has not ceased to exist.  In fact, he is singing and dancing and praising Jesus with an all new power, vitality and excitement.

The wheelchair is gone.  The earthly limitations are gone.  The struggles of this life are gone.  And in place of those things is life eternal.  Life in its most vibrant, thrilling, fulfilling, and meaningful sense.  Life in the awesome, unspeakable light and presence of the Lord Jesus.

My sincerest prayers go out to the entire Nielsen family (and extended family) during this time of grief.  You are dear to me and I love you all more than I could ever express with words.  God surely blessed you all—and others of us, as well—with the life of Lyle.

Be assured that God’s love and blessings endure forever!

Dan Marler

There Has Never Been A Leader Like Jesus

“All through human history, as far back as recorded time…kings, princes, tribal chiefs, presidents and dictators have sent their subjects into battle to die for them. Only once in human history has a king not sent his subjects to die for him, but instead, died for his subjects.” – Charles Colson.  There has NEVER been a leader like Jesus.

Christianity Is Personal

Real Christianity is fundamentally and inextricably personal.  It is about the person of God engaging with you and I.  “Christianity is not a political theory.  It is not even a cultural theory.  It is, at its root, all about changing the heart of each man and woman, boy and girl, so that we begin to think God’s thoughts and act in accordance with his character.” Ravi Zacharias

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Fruit of the Spirit -- Audio Podcast

               Click here for audio!


God Had Things In Mind For Us Before We Were Born

Do you believe that God had good, important, helpful, Christ-honoring, Kingdom-advancing works in mind for your life before you were ever even born?  That’s what the Bible seems to be saying here: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10  That’s exciting to think about, huh?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We're Praying for You

Persecuted Christian leader in Ethiopia to Wess Stafford of Compassion Int’l:  “We’re praying for you.”  Wess: “You’re praying for us?”  Ethiopian leader: “Is it true that there are actually Christians in the U.S. who don’t pray all the time, every day because things are so easy there?”  Wess:  “Yes, that’s true.”  Ethiopian leader: “That’s why we’re praying for you.”

Podcast for April 24, 2012

I talk with Vic about going to a video arcade with Rachel.  We also talk about the beauty of Psalm 103.

                 Click here for audio!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Pursuing Our Purpose In Life

Joy comes from seeing the complete fulfillment of the specific purpose for which I was created.  – Oswald Chambers.  There is a reason why we are here.  We know this is true because God is not random, chaotic, or unintentional.  So there is a purpose for our lives.  Knowing and pursuing that purpose will result in joy.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm Hoping To Be Encouraged Today!

There’s a reference in the Bible to the idea of Christians meeting together (Heb. 10:25).  And that passage in Hebrews specifically mentions the importance of encouragement.  Obviously, that’s not the only purpose for our gatherings, but it is a key aspect of what happens when we gather in Christ’s name.  I’m hoping to be greatly encouraged today.  I hope you are, too!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

E-Flash From Dan -- Some Thoughts About Chuck Colson

Dear E-Flash Friends;

I feel some sadness at the passing of Chuck Colson.

I read many of his books and heard him speak—in person and through recordings—numerous times; I was always stirred, challenged and motivated.  So, I almost feel as if I knew him personally.  Unfortunately, I did not have that pleasure.

Many of you know that Chuck went from being a convicted felon who served time in prison due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal to being an eloquent, brilliant and powerful spokesman for the Kingdom of God.  One of the comments that I read today about Chuck referred to him as “one of the most significant voices and lives of our time.”

An interesting thought about Chuck was expressed by author, Eric Metaxas, who said, “He allowed a humbling period to define him and his whole posture to the culture.”  That is true and it is an insightful comment about the character of the man and the reality of Christ in his life.

Every now and then someone comes along who is able to communicate weighty ideas having to do with subjects like theology, apologetics, worldview, spiritual maturity, leadership, government and society from a Christian perspective and in a way that is challenging, yet, understandable to regular people like me.  Chuck was one of the those rare, exceptional, helpful people.

Although I’m sad, I’m also excited to think that now Chuck is experiencing the glory of Christ in the way that only happens when we pass from this earthly life.

Well done good, faithful and humble servant.

Love and blessings,

Dan Marler

Knowing About Ourselves

Difficult tests of our faith can be good. It’s not that they’re easy or pleasant, of course. But if we really are tested somewhere along the way and we stand firm, then we know something about our selves. We know how we would respond to adversity.  We know because now we have had the first-hand experience of responding under pressure.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Image Bearers of God

All people are image bearers of Almighty God.  This helps us understand that just being a person—that simple fact, all by itself—gives a person a status of worth, dignity and value. We humans, alone among God’s creatures, are the only ones created in His own image. So, that should give us all a little shot of self esteem today…we are image bearers of God!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We Did Not Build A Bear

Rachel and I went shopping for a stuffed animal but Rachel did not find what she was looking for.


The Result of Following The Wrong Desire -- Audio Podcast

                    Click here for audio!


It's God's Story

It might be possible that we see God as one of the characters in an epic movie called:  My Life!  …That’s a misunderstanding of reality.  God is not a character in our story, we’re a character in God’s story.  God is the Creator and Sustainer of everything that exists.  He’s the Director.  He’s the Storyteller.  He is the point of it all.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wounded Lessons / RZIM

Article by Jill Carattini from Ravi Zacharias Web Site.

Click For "Wounded Lessons" Article


Coming Alive Spiritually

When a person is “born again”, it means that the person has come alive spiritually.  A movement from spiritual death to spiritual life has happened.  We don’t expect to immediately see complete change in every area of the person’s life, however we should see some affects from this authentic spiritual rebirth.  We will see the very real influence of Jesus.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Failure | Reasonable Faith

Good article by William Lane Craig

Failure | Reasonable Faith

"Count Your Blessings" Turns Out To Be A Good Idea

Academic research has shown that gratitude and thankfulness are good for us emotionally and even physically.  They have an effect on things like energy levels and alertness.  It has been shown that gratitude and thankfulness affect a person’s willingness to help others.  And so, not surprisingly, it turns out that the old idea of “count your blessings” really is good advice.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Godforsaken -- By Dinesh D'Souza

Interesting thoughts by author Dinesh D'Souza on the problem of evil in the world.

                                   Click here!

Choosing To Trust God

Every person puts their faith and trust in someone or something.  It is impossible to live life without making this type of commitment.  In fact, to refuse to consider the matter is to automatically move to the default option which is to put your faith and trust in yourself.  I choose to put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Friday, April 13, 2012

E-Flash From Dan, April 13, 2012

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Have you ever found yourself wondering this:  “Hmm, I’m curious what will be happening at church this Sunday… and I’ve got a question about the old Partridge Family TV show, too?”

I know, it happens all the time, doesn’t it?

Well, you’re in luck.  Just click on the link below and you can listen to the podcast which deals with both of those issues! 

Audio Podcast Link…

Hope you’ve been having a great week and experiencing the peace and joy of God’s presence.  I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Love and blessings,


Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Wisdom

Why is “fear of the Lord” such an important aspect of wisdom?  Because true wisdom involves an understanding and appreciation of what is genuinely fundamental to the effective living of life.  And it is true that a sober reverence, respect and awe of God qualifies as one of those bottom-line, fundamental realities.

What's Coming This Sunday, April 15, 2012? -- Audio Podcast

                      Click here for audio!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dealing with Doubt | Reasonable Faith

Dealing with Doubt | Reasonable Faith

Do The Right Thing In The Right Way

I heard Razi Zacharias say this recently:  “One of the most dangerous forms of temptation is the temptation to do the right thing in the wrong way.” So, for example, we might speak the truth—which is the right thing. But we might do so with anger and hostility instead of love—which is the wrong way. Followers of Christ are called to do the right thing AND to do it in the right way.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What If You Weren't Expecting Easter... And It Happened Anyhow? - Audio Podcast

                 Click here for audio!


Freedom To Serve

The quest for freedom is not about a selfish desire to be able to do whatever we want. Real freedom is a result of a work of God in a human heart which liberates us to do one of the things that our Creator designed us to do in the first place:  serve others lovingly.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Podcast for 4/10/12

I talk with Vic about standing ovations.  Also, we deal with a question about the importance of Bible reading to spiritual growth and development.

                     Click here for audio!


A Calling By God

A calling by God is—by definition—the summons of a higher authority.  In fact, to recognize a calling from God is to recognize something life-changing and profound; it is to recognize that you do not have authority over your life . . . God does.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Church Is The Church, Right Now

Sometimes people express a great longing or desire for what the church could be.  And there is something good, helpful and motivating about those forward-looking longings, desires and visions.  But it’s also helpful for us to not allow the longings for what the church could be, to minimize what the church now is.  The church, in all its imperfections, exists as Christ’s bride, now.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jesus Christ Is Alive And He Is Lord! Happy Easter!

Easter really did happen.  Jesus has risen!
Jesus Christ is the name above all names.
He is supreme over all creation!
                        He is the Healer and Forgiver!
                                    He is the redeemer and Savior!
Jesus Christ is alive and He is Lord!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Is There Good Evidence For The Resurrection?

“Even the once-doubting Sir Lionel Luckhoo, identified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most successful attorney in the world, was forced to conclude after an exhaustive analysis of the evidence, ‘I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.’” – Lee Strobel

Friday, April 6, 2012

No One Has Done For You And I What Jesus Has Done For You And I

No one has ever done for you and I, what Jesus has done for you and I.  No one else ever could, it’s not possible.  On Good Friday, I think about His sacrifice and His love and though the words don’t seem adequate in light of the magnitude of what He has done, I say, “Thank you, Jesus!”

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What's Coming Easter 2012? -- Audio Podcast

We provide some details on the podcast about what's coming up this weekend!  We also talk just a little bit of baseball.

                     Click here for audio!


Respect For The Wisdom Of Those Who Have Gone Before Us

It’s very possible for us to underestimate just how deeply influenced—even brainwashed—we are by the culture in which we live.  This is why it is helpful for us to know something about history and to have some respect for the accumulated wisdom of those who have gone before us.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Proper Use of Freedom -- Audio Podcast

                 Click here for audio!


Stand With The Bible Or Go With The Culture?

For 2000 years the Bible has been acknowledged and accepted as the trustworthy and authoritative source of teaching about God and morality by Christians all over the world. Now, we find that the Bible is saying things that are politically incorrect in American culture. Question: Should I go with the flow of the culture or should I stand with the unpopular positions of the Bible?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rachel & Suzie's Celtic Adventure!

                         Click here for video!

God Will Never Stop Loving Us

When problems or difficulties come into our lives, or when deep sorrow comes our way, it’s possible to interpret these events as indications that, perhaps, God has stopped loving us.  But, that’s not true.  The Bible tells us that God won’t ever stop loving us.  “…[N]othing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom.8:39

Monday, April 2, 2012

Real Love Is Enduring

Real love is enduring. It does not quickly or easily withdraw from the loved one when encountering unattractive attitudes or actions. This is because the source of real love is God and, thankfully, God does not withdraw His love from us when encountering our unattractive attitudes or actions.