Saturday, April 21, 2012

E-Flash From Dan -- Some Thoughts About Chuck Colson

Dear E-Flash Friends;

I feel some sadness at the passing of Chuck Colson.

I read many of his books and heard him speak—in person and through recordings—numerous times; I was always stirred, challenged and motivated.  So, I almost feel as if I knew him personally.  Unfortunately, I did not have that pleasure.

Many of you know that Chuck went from being a convicted felon who served time in prison due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal to being an eloquent, brilliant and powerful spokesman for the Kingdom of God.  One of the comments that I read today about Chuck referred to him as “one of the most significant voices and lives of our time.”

An interesting thought about Chuck was expressed by author, Eric Metaxas, who said, “He allowed a humbling period to define him and his whole posture to the culture.”  That is true and it is an insightful comment about the character of the man and the reality of Christ in his life.

Every now and then someone comes along who is able to communicate weighty ideas having to do with subjects like theology, apologetics, worldview, spiritual maturity, leadership, government and society from a Christian perspective and in a way that is challenging, yet, understandable to regular people like me.  Chuck was one of the those rare, exceptional, helpful people.

Although I’m sad, I’m also excited to think that now Chuck is experiencing the glory of Christ in the way that only happens when we pass from this earthly life.

Well done good, faithful and humble servant.

Love and blessings,

Dan Marler

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