Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Would You Like To Enroll In The Rachel School Of Career Development?

As we pulled the car into the garage, Rachel and I were talking about a young person in our neighborhood and Rachel asked me, “Where is Kristen going to college?”

I said, “I don’t know.  I don’t think she’s going to college.”

Rachel said, “You have to go to college.”

I said, “No.  Everybody doesn’t go to college.”

Now, with a little bit of irritation in her voice she reiterated, “You have to go to college.”

I told her, “Some people don’t go to college, they do something different like getting a job after high school.”

She was quiet for a few moments, pondering that reality, and then she said, “I’m going to college.”

I like to push her buttons, sometimes, so I said, “No, I think you need to get a job.  Isn’t it time for you to go out and earn a living?”

She said, “No way.  Uh uh.  Nice try, dad.”

“Yeah, I think you need to get a job,” I pushed it a little more.

She said, “No, I’m going to go to college and play video games.” 

I laughed.  She said it as if that was her final career destination.  I was amused by the certainty and assurance with which she made this statement.  “So that’s your plans for the future, huh,” I asked, “go to college and play video games?”

And as she walked into the house through the basement, she pulled the door closed and said, “Yep!” leaving me standing in the garage by myself.  I thought, “Well, at least she didn’t turn off the light on me.”  And then, of course, the light switched off.

Hmm, if she actually figures out a way to play video games for a living, there will be lots and lots of young people enrolled in the “Rachel School” of career development.

These are the tools of the trade at the Rachel 
School of career development.

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