Thursday, October 14, 2010

E-Flash From Dan, October 14, 2010

Dear E-Flash Friends;


I’m practicing my yodeling because most of us typically do a good bit of yodeling at an Oktoberfest, right? 

[ I’ll take your quiet indifference to be a hearty “yes”! ]

We’re doing something crazy, and wacky, and out there!  Our church doesn’t normally do 2 big events on back-to-back weekends.  After all, some of us need a series of long daily naps after just one big event.  But we’re indomitable, we’re fired up, and we’re going for broke!

That’s right, we are going to do 2 big events in a row!  First, this weekend, Sunday, October 17th, we’re going to be having our annual, all-church Oktoberfest.  It will be a lot of fun.  Food, games, music, braided hair…it will all be happening, this Sunday, immediately following the 11 o’clock service.

You say, “Dan, what does “braided hair” have to do with it?”

I have no idea.  I just threw that in to see if you were paying attention.

I cordially invite you to come to the 9 or 11 am service and then to the Oktoberfest, this Sunday.

And then, the very next weekend, as if we were a gigantic mega-church that could pull off huge events as easily as rolling out of bed, we will be having our world famous TRUNK OR TREAT.  Trunk or Treat is one of the biggest outreach events our church does each year.  We’re expecting somewhere close to *10,000 kids to attend this year’s Trunk or Treat!

[*Again, just seeing if you’re paying attention.]

At Trunk or Treat, we fill the trunk of our cars with candy and then we park the cars in the church parking lot and we turn the kids loose!  Then the kids “trick or treat” from trunk-to-trunk…thus the name: Trunk or Treat!  (The copyright on that name is still pending but we’re pretty sure it was invented at our church.)

Throughout the night there are also games for kids and the youth maze and other fun things, too.  Trunk or Treat happens Friday, October 29th, at 7p.m.

You say, “Dan, how can we do all this?!?  It’s incredible!”

It’s because we pray.

…A LOT!!!

Oh, you know what?  I should mention this, too, since we’re chatting.  We’re starting a brand new series this Sunday (10/17) titled:  To Defeat A Lie, We Lift Him High!  This is a series based on the New Testament book of Colossians.  I believe you will be blessed, if you come.  I’m really excited about the first message in the series, it’s going to be powerful.  Maybe you could even invite someone.

And check out that series title, again.  Did you notice?  Yeah, I’ve finally come up with a series title that rhymes!  So, for that reason alone you should make an effort to be here.

I’m doing some push-ups, squats, and deep breathing exercises right now, to get myself ready for the next two weeks.  It’s going to be fun.  I invite you, once again, to be a part of these terrific times of fellowship.

Hope you’re having a great week.

Love and blessings,


*NOTE:  If you would like to have the E-Flash From Dan sent directly to your e-mail, send an e-mail message to:; and write, “Please send me the E-Flash” in the “subject” field.

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