Sunday, May 9, 2010

Iron Man 2 -- Dan's Review

I’ll start this movie review by admitting that I have the taste of a 14 year old boy when it comes to movies.  I like ACTION!  I’m not really interested in great drama with heavy emotion and tear-jerker moments that make a person ponder deep and meaningful questions of life, while Sally Fields makes me feel guilty about some kind of sad issue.  Frankly, I get a fair amount of that every day in my office.  That’s what I’m trying to get a break from, when I go to the movies.  I want Willis or Schwartzenegger to blow some things up, and I want to see some Bruce Lee-type fight scenes with really bad guys getting what’s coming to them.  And then I want to go home thinking about how I would like to beat up some really bad guys, but instead, I’ll have just have ice cream.

Alright then, having made that disclaimer, I liked Iron Man 2.  There was a lot of fun action and the bad guys get it in the end.  Well, come on, what do you expect?  It’s a comic book made into a movie, it’s not a documentary about the ozone layer.  Once again, the “action” and the “bad guys” are just about the right level of movie sophistication for me.

But even though I’m not one to pay particularly strict attention to the artistic nuance of acting, I will say this, Robert Downey, Jr. is an interesting actor.  Maybe I’m subconsciously influenced when I’m watching him act by knowing that he’s had a somewhat troubled life off the screen.  But he just seems to be kind of edgy in a way that makes him interesting to watch.  His character, Tony Stark, Iron Man’s alter ego, is arrogant, witty, a little bit self-destructive, unpredictable, slightly conflicted about his life, irreverent and amusing.  And that comes across in a very engaging and convincing way in the hands of Downey.

For me, it was a couple of hours of fun entertainment…Taylor and Rachel said they liked it, too.  Hey, what do you know?  See? You just got 3 reviews for the price of one!

[ NOTE:  Don’t get the popcorn, the movie’s been over for almost 2 hours and I’m still prying the kernels out of my teeth. ]

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