Friday, May 14, 2010

Being Careful About Anger

The Bible doesn’t forbid anger and it doesn’t condemn it outright, but it does caution us to be slow to get angry.  Because anger is such a powerful and consuming emotion it can easily spiral out of control quickly.  Before we know it, in anger, we can say & do things we regret.  So, be very careful about where anger can lead us.  “In your anger, do not sin…” Psalm 4:4


Mary said...

To paraphrase a wise man I once heard speaking on a Sunday in Oak Lawn, it's not necessarily anger that's the sin, but the actions that can come from anger that are the sin. :) I thought that was a great way of putting it.

Dan Marler said...

Wow, that guy who was speaking on a Sunday in Oak Lawn sounds like he was a GENIUS!