Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Am I "All In" For Christ?

I read this line recently: “The Global Evangelization Movement reports an average of 165,000 [Christian] martyrs [every] year, more than four times the number of a century past.” [Lucado]  When I read that type of thing it usually makes me pause for a heart-check. I don’t write this quote here to make you feel guilty, I write it to prompt us to think about this: Am I really ALL IN for Christ?


Mary said...

Yesterday Katie asked me if I wanted to hear her favorite promise so far in her little book of Bible promises. I was a little taken aback by her favorite. It was the promise that there will be reward in Heaven for those that face persecution for God. The potential for her having it "all in" is overwhelming to me and I pray it continues to grow as she does.

Dan Marler said...

Wow, that's an incredible thing for a young girl to embrace as a promise. I join with you, Mary, in praying that Katie's faith will continue to grow. I'm proud of her!