Thursday, May 20, 2010

Humility...Lifting Others Up

“Pride” often attempts to tear others down in order to create feelings of self worth and importance. “Humility”, on the other hand, generally attempts to encourage and help and lift others up. Humility is one of the characteristics of Jesus with which we strongly resonate. When we see this character trait in Christ, we KNOW it is right. Let’s pray that it will be resident in us.


Mary said...

This is an interesting topic to teach to children. You really have to distinguish between being proud of their accomplishments (since you don't want to dissuade them from doing well) and being "prideful". One of my old co-workers used to say don't blow out my candle to make yours glow brighter. I always liked that analogy.

Dan Marler said...

I agree, Mary, that's a pretty good way of putting it: "don't blow out my candle to make yours glow brighter." Good thought. Thanks!