Monday, March 1, 2010

Do People Worship Idols?

When I was young, I used to think that God’s commandment against idolatry was sort of silly and unnecessary. “Gee whiz, no one worships idols,” I thought. I hadn’t lived much, at that point. (Can you tell?) Now I’m older and I’ve come to realize how easy it really is to value and desire other things over God. “You shall have no other Gods before me.” Exodus 20:3.


Mary said...

I was always confused growing up with all the saints and the idea of praying to them for different things. It didn't seem right to me, it almost seemed like idolatry (did I spell that right?).

One of the many things that has confused me over my lifetime. LOL

Dan Marler said...

We actually had a little side discussion about "praying to saints" in our newcomer's class at church and a woman who was raised in the Catholic church said that the proper understanding is not that the saints are being prayed to but that they are being asked to intercede on behalf of the petitioner, to God. I'm not familiar enough with Catholic theology to know if that's true, or not, but she sounded to me like she had a pretty good grasp of the subject.