Monday, February 22, 2010

Time Alone With God

Over and over again, we hear wise people refer to the importance of time alone with God. Constant hurry and busyness distract us and occupy us in ways that prevent us from thinking deeply and worse, prevent us from noticing inner promptings from God. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16


Mary said...

I struggle with getting time alone with God, even when I'm reading the Bible I'm almost never completely alone. But when I am overdo I can feel Him pulling me. Whenever I feel the overwhelming desire to kneel I know that it's God telling me it's time for Him. I always feel so much better afterward even if I just kneel silently for a while. I need to do this myself without the prompting. Although it does feel good to know that there is prompting. :)

Dan Marler said...

Thanks, Mary, that's a wonderful comment!