Tuesday, February 2, 2010

E-Flash From Dan, Feb. 2, 2010

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Where are you, spiritually?

Last year, our church participated in a fairly sophisticated survey titled REVEAL, that has to do with the spiritual vitality of our church.  The REVEAL survey was designed to help us have a little better understanding of the answer to the question I posed above:  “Where are you, spiritually?” 

If you’ve been wondering, “Hey, when are we going to hear about the findings of that survey?”  The answer is: tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, at 7:00pm, I will be presenting the findings of the REVEAL survey.  We’ll get information like this:

* Our church’s Spiritual Vitality Index number.    [Hint: it’s good!]
* What people want most from First Church of God.
* What people say works best at First Church of God.  [The top answer will probably surprise you.  It surprised me.]
* What people want most from the Senior Pastor.
* Reasons why people “stall” spiritually.

And this critical question will be answered:  “By the way, who writes these E-flash messages on behalf of the senior pastor—it can’t be him, can it?”

I hope you can make it, tomorrow night, I’m actually very curious to see what I’m going to be saying.

Ha!  Just kidding….sort of.

It’s also Carry-In Dinner night.  On the first Wednesday of every month (that’s tomorrow) we all bring our dinner to church—stop and grab some fast food or bring something from home that you made—and we eat and talk and laugh and talk and eat together.  Did I mention that we “talk”?  Yeah we do, and we eat, too.  It’s very informal, the doors are open at 6:00 p.m.  You’re invited!

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.



*NOTE:  If you would like to have the "E-Flash" sent directly to your e-mail, simply send an e-mail message to:  cog111st@aol.com   ...and write:  "I would like to receive the E-Flash From Dan",  in the "subject" field.


Mary said...

I'm sorry, is there a Junior Pastor? :) I can't wait to hear the results!

Dan Marler said...

Many of the churches--probably most of the churches--that have participated in the REVEAL survey are very large and have multiple pastors on staff, so they use the designation "Sr. Pastor" for the main guy. It's a little bit amusing in our situation. In the REVEAL documents I'm referred to as the Sr. Pastor of the church when actually I could be referred to as the "Only Pastor" of the church.