Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mistakes Can Be Great Learning Experiences

Mistakes can be a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about intentionally doing things that are wrong, or trying to mess up on purpose. However, anyone who is truly engaged in life, trying new things, growing, learning, will fall down along the way, that’s part of the process. Let’s not allow mistakes to defeat us. God has a remarkable way of working in our mistakes…if we are willing to learn.


Mary said...

I think an important part too,and this was just pointed out to me recently, is not to dwell on our mistakes after they have been made and been forgiven. Dwelling on the bad things we've done stops us from focusing on moving forward. Although I guess that's just another way of saying what you just said... don't allow mistakes to defeat us.

Dan Marler said...

Yeah, that's a great point, Mary. I've done it. I've spent time rehashing the past. Even when forgiveness has been asked for and given. It's not constructive or helpful. We have to move forward. Thanks!