Thursday, December 31, 2015

Time Flies... So Live! Happy New Year!

By adulthood virtually everyone recognizes the phenomenon of time seeming to speed up and pass more rapidly. Of course, we all know time does not speed up. But it really does feel like it.

As young adults we find ourselves saying things like this, “Wow that month flew by fast!” Or, “where did the summer go?”

But as we get older we talk about the swift passage of even larger measures of time. “Man, 2015 is over already? I still didn’t get that sock drawer straightened up like I resolved to do in January.”

I don’t mean to frighten the younger people who are reading this post, but I’m at a point in life at which I can actually look back at entire decades… yes, you read that right DECADES… and speak of them passing quickly.

“My 40s flew by in a blur.”

(I realize I’m inviting wisecracks about my advanced age from some of you young punks!  …And by the way, get off of my lawn!)

So what should we do?

Answer: Don’t let the years fly by and be haunted with regret. Try things. Go places. Take a chance. Meet new people. Go out on a limb. Say “yes” to adventure. Say “yes” to new experiences. Say “yes” to God’s open doors.

In other words, LIVE!

Happy New Year! I hope 2016 is joyful, prosperous, meaningful, adventurous, productive and…yes, fun!

God bless you all!

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