Saturday, April 20, 2013

Be Humble Because We Don't Always Live In Consistent Ways

I’m thinking about the fact that I regularly see inconsistencies in people based on the things they post online. 

I guess that’s not too surprising.  It’s very hard to be consistent, isn’t it?  In other words, probably all of us have times when our thoughts and behaviors do not correspond with the values and beliefs that we claim to hold.  This is true no matter what philosophical, religious, political or metaphysical ideologies we embrace.  (Jesus was, of course, an exception to this general rule of thumb. He was consistent.)

That’s why it’s a good idea to be humble.  If we get too big for our britches—mocking others, or wagging our fingers at others—there is probably someone who knows us well who could easily point out some of the inconsistencies between what we “say” and what we “do.”

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