Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is Jesus Coming On May 21st?

There are billboards in cities all around the United States—I read there were 40 of these billboards in the Nashville, Tennessee area alone—and these billboards contain an interesting and fairly unusual message.  In fact, the truth is, if the message on these billboards is correct, it will alter everything about life on planet earth for every single person.

Really.  I’m not kidding.  If the message on these billboards is correct, it will completely change everything.  Because it’s talking about one of the most important events in the history of planet earth and one of the most important events in the history of humankind. 

And that’s not an exaggeration!

You say, “Wow!  What’s going on?  What does it say on these billboards?”

The message on the billboards indicates that the return of Jesus—the second coming of Christ—is going to happen on May 21, 2011.  If you’re near a calendar, you’re looking and saying, “Hey, wait a minute, that’s this Saturday!  Whoa!  That’s just a couple of days from now!”


This billboard advertising has been placed—as I understand it—by various people, churches and groups who agree with the teachings of a man named Harold Camping who is the founder of Family Radio Worldwide.

Mr. Camping, obviously, believes that the second coming of Christ is real.  In that respect, he would be in agreement with the teachings of almost all Christian groups.  On that point, virtually all Christians say, “You got it, Harold.  Way to go.  Preach it, brother!”

But he also believes that the exact date of the second coming can be determined from the Bible.  And on that point, virtually all Christians say, “Huh?  Did he just say what I think he said?”

Unfortunately, by presuming that he can pinpoint the exact date of Jesus’ return, Mr. Camping is not in agreement with the Bible.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had conversations with a few people who have listened to broadcasts on Family Radio and heard about Mr. Camping’s prediction.  As a matter of fact, I had a conversation just a few weeks ago, in a restaurant, with someone who mentioned this to me.

He said, “What do you think about this prediction that Jesus is coming again on May 21, 2011?”

I said, “Not much.”

He smiled and then he accidentally spilled a Coke on me ….At least, I think it was an accident.

Now Jesus is going to come again.  That’s a clear teaching of scripture.  Jesus is coming again and maybe he’ll come later today, or maybe it will be tomorrow, or maybe it will be May 21st, or maybe it will be another thousand years from now.  But one of the key points is: we don’t know.

Speaking about his return Jesus, himself, said, “…No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.  Only the Father knows.”  Mark 13:32

So, does Mr. Camping know the date of Jesus’ return?  No, he does not.

You say, “But I heard that Camping came up with some very impressive numerological calculations!”

Frankly, that makes it all even less convincing.  (Although, it suggests that he probably got some pretty good grades in math, as a kid.)

Do I think Jesus is coming on May 21st?  No, I don’t.  But, could He come on May 21st?  Sure.  Again, He could come any day.  If He comes on May 21st, it won’t be because Mr. Camping figured out the day, that will have just been a lucky guess. 

Only the Father knows!   (According to a very reliable expert on the matter.)

So this week, I’ve still been reading, studying, writing and working on my sermon and doing the other things that are a part of my job because I have a feeling Sunday, May 22nd is still going to roll around and I’m going to need to be prepared to do what God has called me to do.  (By the way, I’d love to see you in church this Sunday, I’ll be speaking about one of Jesus’ parables that involves “Three Men And Their Talents”.)

But the subject of the second coming raises an important question.  We don’t know when Jesus is going to return.  But He is going to return.  So, are you ready?  He might come today, He might come May 21st, we don’t know (including Mr. Camping).  But He is coming.  Are you ready?

To be “ready” means to be found “in Christ” when He comes.  Consider this: If Jesus came 15 minutes from now would you be found in Him?

If you’re not sure, do this:  Admit that you’re a sinner and ask Jesus to forgive your sins.  The Bible promises that He will forgive.  Trust in Jesus for eternal life.  Look to Him as your Savior.  Acknowledge Him as the Lord…your Lord.

Is Jesus coming on May 21st?  I seriously doubt it.  But He is coming some day.  So, it makes good sense to BE READY!

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