Monday, June 28, 2010

We Have Much To Be Thankful For

If we were to understand every good thing in our life as a GIFT from God—every good thing, whether it was large or small—that would tend to produce thankfulness in us.  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights…” James 1:17.  Most of us have MUCH to be thankful for. Let’s acknowledge that truth and open our hearts to gratitude.


Mary said...

Dan, I actually had the opportunity to be grateful for something that most people would think I was crazy for being grateful for this past week. We were in San Diego and I had booked a hotel without doing enough review which is unlike me. When we got there I was uncomfortable with the room, the area around the hotel and didn't see a way to get out of the reservation without paying for the whole week as the cancelation fee.

Before we went to bed that first night, Katie and I were praying and thanked God for allowing us to travel and we talked about how the important thing was that we would be able to spend time together as a family.

At 3 am I woke up itching. I had bed bug bites, not a bad case, but it was enough to give us an excuse to check out early without having to comply with the cancellation policy. I realized as soon as I figured out what they were that it was an answer to an unspoken prayer. God totally works in mysterious ways and with a sense of humor as well.

PS The rest of the vacation went extremely well. :)

Dan Marler said...

WOW!!! That was definitely a unique (and slightly humorous) way of bringing about the result that you guys were looking for.

Glad to hear that the rest of the vacation went well!

Love and blessings,